Peavey 6505

don't be afraid of the Presence and Resonance controls...

I've recently started cranking these. It's a cool sound. What's nice is I can kind of control them after the fact with hi/lo-pass filters. I'll probably back off of them a little once I'm more familiar with their impact on the sound.
Cool, cant wait to try out your settings guys :notworthy

I should have said earlier! Tuned down to Bb with a Gibson Flying V and a Hamer Scarab Mk2 here.

'Variables' absolutley...!

'Presence and Resonance' ooooh..popcorn alert..:heh:

Gotta look into this bias stuff -)

Cheers guys
Hi, I just bought a 5150 off of ebay :kickass:. The bad news is two of the power tubes in it came out of their sockets and broke during shipping.

So I need to get them replaced. What brand of tubes would you guys recommend as a good match for a 5150.

For the power tubes you can't go wrong (and probably can't go much better) than JJ - preamp tubes are another story, lotsa people like Tung-Sol but I'm waiting until I get a reamp box to really decide whether I like mine (right now I have Tung sol in V1, 9th gen Chinese in V2 and V3, and a balanced JJ in V4 for the PI)
although I'm repeating myself....
running that cold it doesn't make a difference what brand of powertubes you're using.
biased correctly I'd say JJ or =C= svets

I am repeating Lasse repeating himself.

Agreed, with correct bias there would be a difference (was a big difference between Sovtek and JJ powertubes in my Rev). I have done a test between Ruby 6L6 and JJ6L6 with the stock fixed 6505 bias and couldn't consistantly pick the difference. I should have put my bias probes in and actually checked what the bias current and plate voltage was, but I was too lazy to remove the amp from the case.
I noticed a SIGNIFICANT difference with the bias mod with my head. I had Tung Sols put in my power section, and it just ROARS! Without the mod it was real harsh. JJs sound good to me in V1.

My settings:

Maxon od808
12 oclock or less on drive and level
tone at 3 oclock

Red Channel

Gain: 5-6
Low: 7-8
Mid: 3-4
High: 3-4

I like the Master volume at 3-4( more with 2 cabs)
Presence: 7-8
Res: 7-8
Marshall 75w and
Mesa vintage 30 cabs
Umm ok good settings: Maybe this?

Red channel, Low input
Gain 4, Prescence 7, Treble 5, Mids 4ish, Bass 6.5, Resonance 5ish, Lead vol 9oclockish

O/D Tubscreamer Drive 9oclock, Tone 12oclock, Level 1oclock

I really like this tone, pity when I try to record it I fuck it up :P
It would also be interesting to know what u guys use in the effects loop??


Hey, I saw Chimiara last night :kickass: