(Peavey JSX) "Clean/Bypass": please explain.


Ultimate Meatbag
Sep 2, 2001
Spokane, WA
I guess a suitable answer to this could come from a TripleX user as well, since the switching is all the same apparently.

I am trying to help figure out building a cable for channel switching a JSX with a GCX. While looking at all this, the original pedal has the following:

Ultra - Ultra/Crunch
Clean - Bypass
FX - Bypass

I figure that hitting the first switch lets you switch between the 2 dirt channels. I can most likely assume that the 3rd switch changes fx loop on and off.
Why is there "bypass" on the clean channel selection? Does it simply "bypass" the distortion stage, or does it bypass anything else as well? WHAT DOES IT MEEEEEEEEEEEEN?! :err:
Taken from the manual:

This switch selects the Clean channel and will activate regardless of the position of the ULTRA/CRUNCH
SELECTOR (35). The adjacent LED will illuminate when the Clean channel is selected. This switch must
be in the BYPASS position, indicated by a dark LED, in order to utilize the ULTRA/CRUNCH SELECTOR"
I looked at that in the Manual before, but for some reason that didn't make sense. I don't know why it does now. I kinda think thats a stupid running order, especially with using a 7-pin cable system, but whatever.
I think it's a good setup in that you can switch from to any of your 3 channels in one click without having to have 3 buttons dedicated to channel switching.