Peavey JSX Just Arrived...

Feb 21, 2006
My god...this thing rules. I love the tone I can get out of it. It's definately the best amp I've ever owned next to the 5150. I got an excellent deal on it also.

Anyways...My JSX came stock with EH EL34's. I'm going to replace them with a set off JJ's, but I need to know something. What's the tonal difference between EL34's and 6L6's? If anyone here owns the head, which tubes do you prefer?
I can tell you the difference between them in the XXX and Recto...

Basically, the EL34's have a weird quality to them on low strings (C and B, specifically) that I can't get into. They have more cut, more of a high-mid accentuation. The bass is a bit flabbier to me, and the amp as a whole is less defined. Adds some cool crunch, but I like the chunk, clarity, and headroom of 6L6's.
Mine should arrive in the next couple of days :headbang:
please let me know how you like the JJ's
From what i've read they should make a big difference....thinking of doing the same thing myself.
TheRiverFlowsFrozen said:
My god...this thing rules. I love the tone I can get out of it.
then don't change anything. that's my advice. take it or leave it, but if it ain't broke, don't fix it.