PEAVEY JSX Blackface?

Carcass29 said:
LOL...that's my setup for now until I can get an M-box and an Audix i5.

Mbox and i5 is all I have for recording guitars and I thought I didn't have much (I do like it though) till I saw your picture, thanks for making me appreciate what I have. :p
Carcass29 said:

The hiss is just air right? Or just a lot of high-end boosting in post eq? Or is that the amp? If it has that kind of hiss on the clean channel I'm not too sure I would want that amp. I'm about to go play one in the store for the third time because I'm looking into buying one for the studio. Let me know.

The hiss is just air right?'s not the amp but the input jack on my pc and the headphones...(not the best way to record) I'm sure it would sound 100% better if I had the proper mic and an Mbox. The JSX is awesome though....very happy with the tone live.....good luck. eq or any settings were used in the clips, just the JSX with a Boss DD5 in the effects loop.
holly recorded that using headphones as a MIC????
man, that amp does fuckin slay............. my heart just melted at the thoguht of the tone you get in your room....i think im in love...........
Yesterday I tried the jsx....very good sound for me.
For the rhitm guitars what channel do you use? Crunch or ultra?
In the shop when I try it I use the crunch channel with mi at 2 treble 5 , bass at 7 and gain at max.
Very good sound for metal ritm, I tried it with my viper 407 esp with emgs.
But I think the crunch have no marshall sound, have a very fat sound rich sound...