What albums has Andy used a Peavey JSX on?

Yeah, but I still the metallic weirdness (especially on the palm mutes, but power chords as well) on the "Ills" tone, though obviously that's a complaint with the character of the amp's sound, it works great in the mix of course!

EDIT: And I'm pretty sure this will solidify that I know the JSX sound, and am not a fan of it :D
I have a JSX and a Triple X and i have to say that i dont like the JSX that much. It sounds like a bad Triple X, more mids for sure and not as tight as a Triple x.

You're using different cabs too though. I'm sure they sound pretty different through the Engl and Harley Benton cabs.

I think every single one of my favorite guitar tones always comes from a Mesa Oversized 4x12.

It seems like with the tubescreamer boost + Mesa oversized cab combo a lot of different amps can work...
Yeah, but I still the metallic weirdness (especially on the palm mutes, but power chords as well) on the "Ills" tone, though obviously that's a complaint with the character of the amp's sound, it works great in the mix of course!

EDIT: And I'm pretty sure this will solidify that I know the JSX sound, and am not a fan of it :D

Don't know, don't care. I just know the JSX sounds beastly on that album. If I could get similar sounds out of it, I'd take it wayyyy wayyy before a lot of other more expensive heads, and having a nice clean channel makes it way more versatile than any recto or 5150 for playing live. I think I need to check out a JSX in the near future. haha

EDIT: read that thread. I think you and I have pretty different tastes in guitar tone in general... I'm not a big recto fan and would take a 5150 over a recto probably every time. Can't say I was a fan of the roadster either.... had one and ditched it pretty quick....
Wroooong, look at the Sneap-quote above.

..? That was from Brett, these 2 quotes are from Mark (Tracked the CD) and Andy.

From Mark:

Also, i can fill you in the overdub tones to guys. From what andy told me, i think he just reamped the rhythms. If im wrong, he can fill you guys in on the leads and such.

Anyhow, the leads were my jsx mostly as well as my modded 800. The cleans in the beginning of no reason to live where the kustom 72 coupe we have at the studio. Also i did overdubs with everything from our 5150s, the engl blackmore, recto, and uberschall. I even did some overdubs with the recto running direct in with the palmer pdi 03 for a more in your face...ratted out sound, particulary on killing the beat i believe.

And from Andy in the same exact thread:

chimaira was 5150 and krankenstein


..? That was from Brett, these 2 quotes are from Mark (Tracked the CD) and Andy.

From Mark:

Also, i can fill you in the overdub tones to guys. From what andy told me, i think he just reamped the rhythms. If im wrong, he can fill you guys in on the leads and such.

Anyhow, the leads were my jsx mostly as well as my modded 800. The cleans in the beginning of no reason to live where the kustom 72 coupe we have at the studio. Also i did overdubs with everything from our 5150s, the engl blackmore, recto, and uberschall. I even did some overdubs with the recto running direct in with the palmer pdi 03 for a more in your face...ratted out sound, particulary on killing the beat i believe.

And from Andy in the same exact thread:

chimaira was 5150 and krankenstein



Andy reamped; Mark's tracking = moot point.

Do you even know who Brett is? Him and Andy go back; he used to be his webmaster, and Andy's done reamps for him on more than a few occasions. I'm going to trust Brett's records.
Ok, so we've got Despised Icon's The Ills of Modern Man and Chimaira's Resurrection.

Any others that the JSX was used on or just these two?