JSX love thread!


"The Beard"
Jun 23, 2009
Cape Coral, Florida
I have had this amp for a little bit and it doesn't get used to often. But we just recently used it on a reamp for a band we are working on and holy shit does that amp kick all kinds of ass. Made me remember why i bought it in the first place. Not to mention the Despised icon ills of modern man tone is one of my favorite tone's and that was all jsx! Anyone else around here have one and love the fuck out of it?
i got a jsx and i love mine. It was either a recto or jsx and i chose the jsx. but combining them together would probally sound amazing.
It's a good amp, always had at the very least very usable results.

But for a 100W amp they seem (relatively) quiet, is that universally so or have I just been unfortunate with the examples I've recorded??
Such an awesome amp, love mine for sure.
I've always wonder about the metallic weird rhythm tone some people are able to get out of it. I've never been able to reproduce it, haven't really tried, but I've heard Marcus's clips of the JSX and Kamelot on a US tour using a JSX and it was extremely noticeable.
Such an awesome amp, love mine for sure.
I've always wonder about the metallic weird rhythm tone some people are able to get out of it. I've never been able to reproduce it, haven't really tried, but I've heard Marcus's clips of the JSX and Kamelot on a US tour using a JSX and it was extremely noticeable.

Depends on the guitar and who's playing it... I get that sound out of mine when I'm plugging straight in... but some guys I've recorded through it (mostly guys in the vein of KSE) don't have anything like it at all. Weirdly enough if I boost it it gets less clanky... too shrill for most lead work then, though.

Passives are more apt to make that sound, it seems. Even I can't get that clankiness out of it using a guitar with EMGs... and I sound sort of clanky through a Recto and 6505... XXX too.
It's a good amp, always had at the very least very usable results.

But for a 100W amp they seem (relatively) quiet, is that universally so or have I just been unfortunate with the examples I've recorded??

120 watts, actually.
YES. this thing is loud as FUCK.

we actually do most of our reamps in our control room because I've found I get a MUCH flatter, pleasing tone in there than anywhere else in the house... (our control room is acoustically pretty awesome....!)

but MAN, the combo of this particular player, guitar, and cab/mic made this the absolute PUNCHIEST tone i've ever heard in real life.... my chest was about to explode from some of those quick, stacatto chugs...! hahaha.

YES. this thing is loud as FUCK.

we actually do most of our reamps in our control room because I've found I get a MUCH flatter, pleasing tone in there than anywhere else in the house... (our control room is acoustically pretty awesome....!)

but MAN, the combo of this particular player, guitar, and cab/mic made this the absolute PUNCHIEST tone i've ever heard in real life.... my chest was about to explode from some of those quick, stacatto chugs...! hahaha.


Yeah it def felt like we were having a heart attack in the control room. it was pretty fucking awesome.