Pedal to Emulate a Mesa Dual/Triple Rectifier


Dec 11, 2008
Hey all. I know the correct answer is "if you want a recto sound, buy a mesa" - I am saving my pennies.
However, in the meantime, has anyone had any success with any pedal that "closely" or "relatively closely" resembles a Dual or Triple Rec.
Maybe the answer is a flat out no and that's fine. I have heard the Doctor Boogie and Mesa VTwin pedals and they sound OK. Actually the Doctor Boogie sounds pretty decent. Definitely not close to a full blown recto but I'm looking for something that I can emulate at home until I have the funds for a real one.

Let me know.


Thanks for the replies. Yes I have seen the AMT-R1 pedal - it's a preamp actually, so you end up using bypassing the preamp and using just the power amp of your head. The clips sound pretty good actually.
As for amp sims, I could record a DI from my Krank Rev Jr head and use the Lecto head for those tracks that I want a Recto sound on. I guess I just really like my amp mic'd up... will keep putting the pennies away!!! :)
Am I the only one who thinks the AMT R1 sounds like a hive of bees?
I haven't owned the R1, but I've owned the S1, P1, M1, and E1. The P1 was the only one worth keeping, IMO, and the pedals themselves have horrid build quality. They can get good sounds, but they aren't very versatile and don't really strike me as suitable, realistic interpretations of the amplifiers they represent, especially with the S1 and M1.