Pedals at Tokyo?


Schizophrenic Asshole
Mar 7, 2006
I haven't been able to find out (though I haven't been looking very hard) if Alexi uses pedals during the Tokyo Warhearts concert and if so do any of you know what they are? I especially love when they did War of Razors there and am very interested in the set up for that song.

Oh yea and be specific, please don't just say a dist. pedal...say the comapny like an MXR dist. pedal

Peace again
He has a old Jackson preamp from the 80's (I'll look it up at a later date) and a wah pedal.
COBHC Webmaster said:
What's wrong with this forum when Joonas posts the best post of the thread?

Don't post that trash if you have nothing to say.

serious, right?

but the guy who posted about alexi having a pink hello kitty guitar... SOOO FUNNY!!!! OMFG!!!! i wish i could be that funny...

As far as the pedals go, i'm really not too sure. Sorry, man
COBHC Webmaster said:
What's wrong with this forum when Joonas posts the best post of the thread?

Don't post that trash if you have nothing to say.

He clearly didn't know the forums functions, so I gave him a tip. I'm sorry about that.