Penn & Teller's Bullshit


Apr 5, 2002
Melbourne, Australia
How many of you guys dig this show as much as I do? I must agree with about 95% of what they go on about. It's always great to see the politically correct, religious, fanatical and new-age shit debunked. They always manage to find the sorts of people to interview that just make me cringe for being a part of the human race.

A lot of the show seems to focus on US issues, but it feels so relevant to the rest of the world, hence why I watch it from over here.

How big is this show in the US?
Ermz, i dont know much P&T stuff really. But you might like some Derren Brown stuff. He performs seemingly unbelieveable feats yet only ever says he uses science and suggestion.
Agreed. This show is tits. They pick easy targets is some episodes (did someone say cryptozoology?), but the show is hilarious regardless.
Dude this show rocks. I love how they debunked second hand smoke in one of the episodes. I am not a smoker but think it is ridiculous how much they have been chastised for a personal decision based on an extremely flawed and poorly done study.

Actually, the second-hand smoke issue shows an entirely different side of them that is largely ignored.

After that episode (which, at the time, was entirely justified and well-researched) was released, more studies were done and it was concluded that second-hand smoke was, actually, a bad thing. Whenever it was brought up later, they admitted the corrections outright. The important thing was that most of their episode (by content and strength, perhaps not time) didn't have to do with the health issue, but with civil liberties - but they came right out and corrected their errors personally, and any claim that their show is biased or trying to be dishonest was completely ripped to shreds.

Thanks for the info Jeff. You're right their perspective was much more about the civil liberty aspect. Personally I find the hatred of smokers to be a bit too intense for the rules in place at the moment.

I remember their environmentalist episode had some right corkers in it - like how it wasn't bad for the environment to create a landfill. They were going on old data that had been previously debunked. I believe they owned up to it in the end though.
Ermz - big +1000 on Bullshit. I make sure I Tivo it ever week. Great show from two very funny men.
Awesome. Well those of you who haven't seen the show, I urge you to go see an episode. It's extremely addictive, and oft times informative (when they don't screw the facts.. and let's be honest, that isn't all too often). I've been watching season 3, and seeing Christopher Hitchens on the 'Holier than Thou' episode was pure hilarity. That man is so full of spite, all the while sipping on scotch and puffing a cigarette.
I absolutely love it! :)
The Vatican episode ftw.

Ermz, i dont know much P&T stuff really. But you might like some Derren Brown stuff. He performs seemingly unbelieveable feats yet only ever says he uses science and suggestion.

.. its not a magic show, its about debunking religion, new age bullshit and all kinds of shit.