People In Metal or Rock Bands On Here??

Heavenly Call

Jul 30, 2002
Atlanta, GA
Reading through the forum for the past couple of years, I often see people mention that they play guitar or play in a band, I know there are other forums with "musicians threads" and such, but I think it be cool if you are in a band and you frequent this forum, post a link and let us have at you!!! :Spin: Here, I'll offer myself up first...

Only one song right now...more are coming.
I am only good at playing with myself :loco: Ha ha ha well what I mean is, I do some home disc recording. I can't sing lead for shit (do well at backing vocals) but I play guitar, bass, drums (mostly program due to the fact miking drums are a hideous job) and a little keys. I'll link when I feel like I have made something I consider "good enough" to let other people hear or I turn 100 years old, whichever comes first.

Bryant said:
I am only good at playing with myself :loco: Ha ha ha well what I mean is, I do some home disc recording. I can't sing lead for shit (do well at backing vocals) but I play guitar, bass, drums (mostly program due to the fact miking drums are a hideous job) and a little keys. I'll link when I feel like I have made something I consider "good enough" to let other people hear or I turn 100 years old, whichever comes first.


:Spin: :Spin: :Spin:

I don't play in a band, I only annoy others by singing over my favorite CD's and layering my own backing vocals over the classics. :Spin: I wish I could have had a keyboard backintha'day, but we were too goddamn po. That's right, we were so broke that we couldn't even afford the 'or' of 'poor'. We were just po.

Sorry, I have no excuse for that. Forgive me. :Spin:
I don't play in a band, I only annoy others by singing over my favorite CD's and layering my own backing vocals over the classics. :Spin: I wish I could have had a keyboard backintha'day, but we were too goddamn po. That's right, we were so broke that we couldn't even afford the 'or' of 'poor'. We were just po.

I can attest to Walters lack of vocal skills! Its like if you let a cat grow its nails long and drag it by the tail across a blackboard that is lying flat on the floor. Just think if Don Dokken and Axl Rose had a kid with no genitalia! That would be Mr. Walter Langkowski!
Yngvai X said:
Click on the link in my signature for my music.

I will also be on the PPV sampler, as well as have sampler discs available at the festival (and I'll be at the fest myself!).

Cool. I am one of those few that like sampler discs. I am looking forward to hearing your stuff.

The_Q said:
I can attest to Walters lack of vocal skills! Its like if you let a cat grow its nails long and drag it by the tail across a blackboard that is lying flat on the floor. Just think if Don Dokken and Axl Rose had a kid with no genitalia! That would be Mr. Walter Langkowski!

Oh I take it you and Walter are chums ? That's cool. I don't know anyone in my town (except my wife) that will be going to PP, though I am surprised by the amount of people coming in from Alabama. Bama probably ranks pretty low on the metal-head population but you would have to drag me away from here crying and screaming.

...umm.... I like to play. :Spin:

Although I am proficiant in playing the skin flute,... I also happen to play bass in some metal band from the smoggy valley of mormons and Jazz Basketball.
I Will be attending the festival for the fourth time! :kickass:

I've got a band. Four guys, jamming, loving music, and loving to write songs. A little thrash metal, a little power metal, some old school riffage and lotsa dual guitar lemodies. LEMODIES??? I can't believe I just mistyped that... I'm leaving that... :loco: I play the bass and do the singing. Problem is, I don't want to do both. I love playing bass, I love singing. I do them well. But not together. We can't find a bass player who sticks around long enough due to work or family or whatever, and certainly not a singer who can sing the way we'd want him to sound. We're in Detroit. Nuthin but hardcore growlers and emo kids. Certainly not gonna find someone that will sing like Dickinson or LaBrie. So until we either find a bass player or singer, I'll just do my best.

Lars316's also in my band. He's our drumming fiend. He's basically taking all our songs and going Richard Christy all over them. Obscene wicked drumming here, folks! You don't like extreme ideas, you won't like our music!

No, we certainly don't have any songs to share with you. Cuz the only songs we have even half-ass samples of, aren't even how we play the songs anymore. It'd take a good long weekend to record all those drum parts again the way Lars does it now, and then a helluva time getting our lead guitarist's tone ready to be recorded again. He's still waiting to get his amp modified so he can bias the tubes and not get such a buzzy, nasty sounding tone. But he's close, ever so close...

Sooner or later, we'll have something we might be brave enough to share. Until then, we're happy just writing our songs. We've still got four damn good riffs waiting to be wrestled with, and two songs that need to be put into a complete structure. That'll prolly take us til past ProgPower, so a Fall gigging date is most likely.

If any Detroit members are lurking around and wanna play bass or sing, lemme know... just think MetallicA, Ozzy, Vai, Satriani, Iced Earth, and maybe a little power metal thrown in there every once in a while.
Here´s mine :
Hopefully we´ll come back and kick some ass. Meanwhile, check out the new album which will be released the 23rd of August(in Europe) through Century Media Records. It will be released in the USA later but I do not have the specific date yet.....sorry.


And a LOUD "HELL YEAH" to Mike The Cop....U RULE!!!!! :headbang:
Mike, you guys kick major arse (I have been working out to Everblack lately)! I really enjoyed your set last year and congrats on signing with Century Media. If you ever want to play in Orlando, FL, Ezra Stone has a backline for you!

Good Luck!
I'm in a band called DC Moon and His Atomic Supermen. We used to be Red Giant, that used to be Burning Zoo. Been around since 1986, yes. i'm old...I play the drums. 1962 Slingerlands, full set of octobans and rototoms. And I don't like hauling them around....We used to play the Somber Reptile, The Scrap Bar, The Wreck Room, Club 306 (?), J.W. Dobbs, The Drive In, in Atlanta.
We sometimes play with Ghoultown or GWAR at Dragon Con in Atlanta the first weekend in September. Not this year though...the powers that be...well, nevermind. Go to our website and buy one of our discs, or, better yet come to Tuscaloosa, AL this Friday nite and see us live at Club XS.
The reviews when we played with GWAR at Dragon Con was something to the effect of 'they look like ZZ Top, sound like the Ramones playing Devo songs'. Also we've been described as 'Devo meets Megadeth'. So, download a couple of mp3's at our site and Up the Irons!