People In Metal or Rock Bands On Here??

Heavenly Call said:
Reading through the forum for the past couple of years, I often see people mention that they play guitar or play in a band, I know there are other forums with "musicians threads" and such, but I think it be cool if you are in a band and you frequent this forum, post a link and let us have at you!!! :Spin: Here, I'll offer myself up first...

Only one song right now...more are coming.

My band is called Timeline and we are from the San Francisco Bay Area.
We will be featured on the next ProgPower promo CD.
Take a look at our new web site, which isn't finished but has MP3s that you can download and let us know what you think.

Eric Boles(Lead Vocals)
Everblack said:
Here´s mine :
Hopefully we´ll come back and kick some ass. Meanwhile, check out the new album which will be released the 23rd of August(in Europe) through Century Media Records. It will be released in the USA later but I do not have the specific date yet.....sorry.


And a LOUD "HELL YEAH" to Mike The Cop....U RULE!!!!! :headbang:


I was so glad to hear you guys signed with Centruy Media! Congrats and I can not wait to hear the new CD!

Bryan316 said:
I've got a band. Four guys, jamming, loving music, and loving to write songs. A little thrash metal, a little power metal, some old school riffage and lotsa dual guitar lemodies. LEMODIES??? I can't believe I just mistyped that... I'm leaving that... :loco: I play the bass and do the singing. Problem is, I don't want to do both. I love playing bass, I love singing. I do them well. But not together. We can't find a bass player who sticks around long enough due to work or family or whatever, and certainly not a singer who can sing the way we'd want him to sound. We're in Detroit. Nuthin but hardcore growlers and emo kids. Certainly not gonna find someone that will sing like Dickinson or LaBrie. So until we either find a bass player or singer, I'll just do my best..

I can relate a little. I don't play in bands anymore as I am a demanding asshole when it comes to music though not like that casually. I think harmony vocals are key in my music style and I sang harmony, but I always had to dumb down my playing a little while singing. I don't like to do that, but in my situation while in bands, it was a necessary evil.

I'm in a band called DC Moon and His Atomic Supermen. We used to be Red Giant, that used to be Burning Zoo.[...]
We sometimes play with Ghoultown or GWAR at Dragon*Con in Atlanta the first weekend in September. Not this year though...the powers that be...well, nevermind.
I hear ya there. Although I'm friends with several of the bands playing D*C this year (including Ghoultown, which of course is Lyle from Solitude Aeturnus' band now), I'm not particularly happy with the band selection process this year. Granted, aside from GWAR, Misfits and Godhead, not too many metal bands have done well at D*C, but still....
pyramazekeyboardist said:
i play in a band called pyramaze. some of you may have heard of us...

Yes and Pyramaze rules!

I used to do back up vocals in a band. But the band broke up, then reformed with out me. I think the lead singer was intimitated because a femail had better Death Metal growls... :worship: Probally why they never started using them until after they reformed...

And probally why they aren't getting any shows with out me... Ah well.

Hey guys.....I'm the guitarist for Halcyon Way. We're playing the pre-party and we'll also have a new song on the PPV sampler this year. Check out our website for some material....this is our old vocalist you'll be hearing, but think Dio or Dickenson for the new guy...we just had our first show with him this past Sunday, and it was really killer, and we're hoping to have our full-length CD "A Manifesto For Domination" ready by PP....but if not we'll at least have a pre-production EP that we'll be selling.


Jon Bodan