@ People who attend universities in the US


Jul 31, 2005
St. Louis, MO
What can you tell me about the University of New Mexico?

I'm a computer engineering student and my university has an exchange program going on between both schools, and I'm considering whether or not I should apply. How are the fields of computer science and physics(my two major interests) over there? How is life(costs, accomodation, climate etc) in New Mexico?

Thanks for your time! :)
What can you tell me about the University of New Mexico?

I'm a computer engineering student and my university has an exchange program going on between both schools, and I'm considering whether or not I should apply. How are the fields of computer science and physics(my two major interests) over there? How is life(costs, accomodation, climate etc) in New Mexico?

Thanks for your time! :)

my dad went there i think or somewhere in new mexico, from what he told me about it, it sounded like it was a nice climate and the people there are always very laid back. he was in the college for sports so i cant really tell you about the education part, but he said his dorms were what he expected. small but ok, just what a dorm should be. he didnt tell me about price either. but he said it was enviornment to be in and there are a lot of decent people there

hope that helps somewhat