people who don't tip


Went Out for Smokes 13 Years Ago
Jul 19, 2004
south of washington
fuck them. i understand if you're just getting a $1 cup of coffee (although i would always tip anyway) but who gets $30 of food and doesn't leave a tip?? this may be a food cart but jesus christ were you raised in japan??

what kind of actual work were you doing that you feel warrants a tip?

speaking of, doesnt tip mean "to insure promptness"? (actually, dont you use ensure in this case?) If I get shitty service at a restaurant, I give a lame tip. Great service is rewarded with 20%
thats the important question. If the server is crap, I'm not giving out shit. If the service is average, I give a decent tip. If the server rocks I give a big tip.
what kind of actual work were you doing that you feel warrants a tip?

taking the order/payment, making the food, handing it off to them at the window

i don't think it's to "ensure promptness" as much as it is "hey i know you earn minimum wage, thanks for being pleasant and not dragging ass with my order"
That sounds a lot like your job. Should I get a tip when I teach something to a student and they instantly get it?

I fucking hate tipping. I do, however, tip well.
hmm ... never left a tip at a food cart. always assumed the owner is the server.

commence punishment.
That sounds a lot like your job. Should I get a tip when I teach something to a student and they instantly get it?

I fucking hate tipping. I do, however, tip well.

my entire paycheck goes to rent/bills/basic food. everything else (beer, music, shows, clothes, etc) i pay for with tips. in this country the service sector isn't exactly well paid; not tipping when you can clearly afford it is a dick move.
I tip for service. Obviously it's the persons job serve or what not so the tip should not be based on that but rather the service. Friendly, prompt, attentive, all those things are extra coming from the employee so I tip accordingly.

A lot of times though I tip for the fuck of it. I mean, they're not making much money as it is, could be trying to put themselves through school or what not, so if I can leave an lil tip then why not.
my entire paycheck goes to rent/bills/basic food. everything else (beer, music, shows, clothes, etc) i pay for with tips. in this country the service sector isn't exactly well paid; not tipping when you can clearly afford it is a dick move.

Not being well paid, is not an argument for tipping, it's an argument to the change the industry, because it's saying you are doing work that is needed, yet the pay doesn't compensate the work. Shouldn't good service be from a business? "Hey, let's go to X because their service is ace."

Why is the job that doesn't require any special skills deserving of a tip? I wouldn't mind tipping if it was for something that requires skill, and the person goes above and beyond, without being required.
Not being well paid, is not an argument for tipping, it's an argument to the change the industry, because it's saying you are doing work that is needed, yet the pay doesn't compensate the work. Shouldn't good service be from a business? "Hey, let's go to X because their service is ace."

Why is the job that doesn't require any special skills deserving of a tip? I wouldn't mind tipping if it was for something that requires skill, and the person goes above and beyond, without being required.

oh i totally agree, and that is the case in many places where people are paid better and giving somebody a tip is seen as condescending. why is it we tip a taxi driver but not a bus driver? a starbucks cashier but not a record store clerk? i couldn't say, but we do, and because we do, those of us who make tips often are looking at a smaller paycheck. if we're busy and somebody comes in with a big order and deliberately doesn't leave a tip, anybody in the service industry could tell you that person is an asshole, and is usually one of the obnoxious/impatient/rude customers to boot.
Or you could say the person is trying to make a point, to raise the wages by those workers. If everyone decided to not tip, the businesses would be forced to pay their employees more.

More than likely, the person is an asshole.
Or you could say the person is trying to make a point, to raise the wages by those workers. If everyone decided to not tip, the businesses would be forced to pay their employees more.

perhaps, then again perhaps waiters, cooks, drivers and cashiers would just be that much poorer.

it would be nice if everyone was paid better and tips were reserved for extraordinary service. however, as it is it's just something we do. not tipping somebody when it's clearly warranted (ie you just put a $30 order on your credit card) is to me sort of like, when offered a handshake, glaring at the person and saying "don't touch me" :loco:

this was more venting than trying to start a philosophical discourse on tipping
Teachers are woefully underpaid, so I'm gonna start demanding that the parents tip me whenever I successfully teach their children something.

It is, after all, a much more important job than waiting tables.
years ago I think I made a thread asking why the hell I need to tip a food delivery guy (I mean, hey, I'm already paying a delivery fee why do I have to give this guy something extra too?) and I got grilled for that on the basis that some delivery people have to use their own vehicles, gas, etc. (which is also ridiculous).

So essentially, I believe the consensus is something like:

Tipping: It's retarded. Do it anyway.
I'm glad they accept credit/debit cards at Sonic these days, I hated when they gave back improper change as a way to force a tip on themselves
MajestikMøøse;7786072 said:
Tipping: It's retarded. Do it anyway.

Bingo. I never understood why we pay people to do what they're already getting paid to do at restaurants; why don't we tip the nice lady at the cash at Wal-Mart? Having said that, as a bartender for 2 years I would've been fucked without tips because the wage sucked; restaurants shouldn't take into account the fact that employees will be getting tipped when establishing wages, because a bad or a slow night means we get completely screwed.
Now while I do tip handsomely, may I say that the entire concept is ridiculous. I just gave $5 to a valet for driving my car fucking 12 feet. I went out of my way to ensure that this man received generous compensation for a task he's already being paid the mandated minimum for. Now does anybody here think that this schmuck deserved five dollars for work that took no less than a minute? If he pulled 10 cars up to the driveway an hour and each person gave him $5, he'd be making as much as a public defender. It's fucking bullshit that I'm padding the paychecks of the unskilled labor force. Go back to fucking school if your current career avenue is a highway to nowhere. Matt I know that you're an educated man, so may I ask, why are you wrapping burritos for $6.50 an hour? :err:

Matt (CA), at work we sometimes order late night Chinese from an establishment that is 3 blocks away. They tack on a $2.50 delivery fee, as well as a $1 packaging fee. I pay the Chinaman no more than an extra dollar, and receive shit for it by all of my co-workers who fear that next time they're going to spit in our food. Essentially we are being held hostage by the culinary industry. Either you fork over a tithe, or your wonton soup will be tampered with.
NEVER under tip a delivery guy, especially from a place you will order from again