people who don't tip

Tipping in germany is truly what it should be: a bonus.

Works great, ensures kickass service from the already good places.

edit: oh, and its called trinkgeld (drinking money).
Good thread. I'm pretty much with the Swizzle on this one. I tip based on my perception of service, which, btw, almost universally sucks.
I'm too tired to go on and on about this tonight but I'll just say that I'm thinking about stopping tipping. And if that means I don't eat out, well then, so be it. There's nothing LITERALLY NOTHING that I pay someone to do that I can't do myself. Coffee? I have an amazing device called a coffee maker. Did the poor South American farmers get tipped? Your average 19 year old Starbucks barista makes more in a day than a coffee farmer makes in a week, I'm sure.
Matt I know that you're an educated man, so may I ask, why are you wrapping burritos for $6.50 an hour? :err:

have you looked for a job lately? :err: i work with two other people with college degrees

i'm pretty amazed this thread went this far. i've never thought about tipping so critically, i just always do it generously because it's a nice thing to do. it's not a crime to not tip, but i mean it's like *a dollar* most of the time, how stingy are we honestly? i think the most generous tippers are frequently people who make tips.
I used to know a guy who tipped in coupons.

While I agree that the tip should be based on the service / the experience, I generally tip at least 15% unless it was horrible. I even tip the pizza place when I get carryout because they are always very friendly, very accommodating, and give me kick ass pizza.
have you looked for a job lately? :err: i work with two other people with college degrees

I understand that we're in an economic rough patch and I'm truly sorry to see that your hard work in academics did not bear immediate dividends. Perhaps picking up a second part time job to help supplement your income will alleviate some worries? Many people I know hold down two trabajos or work a sizable amount of overtime to put bacon on the table. The point I'm trying to make is that you can't depend on the average Joe to pad your paycheck for service that is expectant of you.
Not tipping waiters/waitresses is fucking mega-douche move. I understand the whole 'well they know what they are getting into!' or 'if we keep tipping they will always make .1 cent a year!' but, not tipping isn't going to change fuck all in actuality, so fucking tip them. THAT'S HOW THEY MAKE ANY MONEY AT ALL.

Everyone else though, I dunno...I tip the delivery dude and bartender.
I tipped the pizza dude 5 bucks last night and I didn't even get as much a fucking thank you for a 35% tip on this cheap ass pizza.

I quit tipping!
Tonights pizza guy was the biggest fucking douche i ever met. I was gonna try the tipping thing again...

20.24 was my total, I hand him a 20 and a 10, and instead of thanking me and asking if I want any change, he just walks away. This asshole thinks his services are worth 10 fucking dollars. I let him take a few steps before saying "What about my change?", he looks at me and actually has the audacity to ask "How much do want". That drove me to say "In your case? All of it!".

And now I enjoy my pizza.
I was thinking about stopping ordering from this particular local pizza place, but after thinking about my other options (pizza hut and dominos), I gagged and returned the Bob's to my speed dial.

Fuck small towns.