OK!!!Why are you so nervous?I thought you were laughing at my reply, I just wanted to talk about it.Peter is not a fucking God, just remmember hybridwar....he is a human, well.....God is a lie
"Fuck you! I don't care about that!"

"I don't care what you need
I only do it to please me."

P. Tagtgren

Please, don't take it too close to yourself.
Why did you quote him?Why these words?(I'm fucking annoying with my questions, am I?) I mean, what is the connection to my words? you believe him, he thinks so?He really thinks so?

Of course I know we are all human. And no I wasn't talking about the so called god in heaven! I'm just a big fan of HYPOCRISY and I thought this was the right place to make my comments known!! Isn't this the official forum???
This is the best place to make such comments, because this is what are we talking was just my short opinion....I just don't like treating idols like God, but you've got your rights to do that, it is nothing wrong!
I once saw some of his the interwievses which made me collapse.. Arrive to still remain shadow in mind now.. And those unavoidable fact!:P
Interwievs are the best way to know him better, even he doesn't talk about his private life(well, which is not very happy)
Why saw Interwievs each time, in addition to understood more, how much would the different degree increase some pain..
Which Pain, or Hypocrisy song do you like most, when you are all upset?And why?Fuck.....

I know I deserve more from life, I deserve to meet better people, to meet my idols, someone who cares.
I everyday Be listenning to.Is the song of a Pain or a Hypocrisy regardless I am similar to like, does the which isn't Peter strenuous effort and genius make?
There is no the time of complete breakup.And I will not give up!
I like then "Same old song", "injected Paradise", and "expelled" the first one, when I'm upset with studies and work, the second when I'm totally upset because of all my life:), and the last, when I feel lonelly.
Continuethe topic: what do you like listening to when you're upset
Let me ask you for one thing.Especially Shamateur.Would you like to have a chance to exist as someone important in music?Like Peter......even if it is so exhausting.I would:cool: :cool: :cool: :cool: :cool: