Just so you know, other than the fact that Pain will be more or less silent until 2007, the girls (Andrea and Alla) have a side project going on. You can see about it here:

Also, Alla is guest playing on my friend's upcoming album, whom I also did a photo shoot for. That band can be found here:

Everyone is keeping busy despite the fact that Pain is for now silent and that Hypocrisy will be touring the States in about a month and a half. It's really not too hard to find information about stuff like that, you just need to know where to look.

And I must say... trying to understand this whole thread at first was entirely too confusing. :P
lumitalvi said:
You´ve been away far too long and therefore missed this all Miss Ethera-mess in this forum ;)

*begs forgiveness*

I'm sowwwy! Been dealing with too much crap in the last few months - been in a really dark place and still trying to dig myself out. I really wasn't posting anywhere, barely on my own site... although I have a million new photos and things on there in the last 4 months or so.

@Shamateur - I think you spoke too soon, lol Go look at the website thread. hehe
Sorry guys, but this forum is so borring, that the mess which was made by me, was a blessing from heavens:Smug:

and something else....this is a thread for people who know something about Pain, so if you don't have any news...just to be honest and not making the mess
The problem is, that I didn't understand him too, and Sqeak was suppose to talking about me.Maybe he recognized my nick under the thread (well I'm the proud author), and thought, that I wrote a message.I don't know, well, fuck it!
Find the better place for such extras Sqeak.
Aaa... what I got from Squeak´s first message (second one was pointed out mainly for me) was pretty much

- Info from Pain -

Wasn´t that what this thread is supposed to be about then??
And, though it might not be that big of a deal: Squeak = she.

Shamateur: she meant you spoke too soon about Ethera leaving the board.
Or was there something else you didn´t get?
Well you asked what was going on with Pain, so I gave you info about what Pain members are doing while Pain is on a quiet streak until next year. Does that not make sense or??? And for Ethera to be rude about "such extras", a lot of people on other forums like to know what band members are doing while things are quiet.

Lumi was right - I was saying that Ethera was back on the other thread (that you spoke too soon because she posted on the other thread)... that's what that meant.