People with strange ears


Mat or Mateo
Jan 20, 2008
Montpellier, France
A friend told me she knows somebody in a band , and showed me this :


So i said, well it's okay, but not very pro sounding and that next time they should change the place where they record their album.

Then she said "well you think you have a phd in music ?" more or less, and told me the guy is pro and has a studio so she doubt even I could do better.

I mean, seriously, it sounds so bad, just the intro bass is stereo sounds fatigueing ! Not to mention the ground/noise sounds not edited on the guitars, the lack of stereo field, the pod sounding weak guitars, the too dynamic voice mixing… !
I expected a thread about people with strange Gary from Men Behaving Badly
well, it's quite obvious the band sucks, they can't even play along to their own song, so I'd guess the the guy probably pieced it together as well as he could
Well, the song could sound decent with more punch and a better production of course ! But as a start, the guitarist doesn't play tight, the bass sounds like it could be okay, the singer too with some vocal coaching (cause in the recording she doesn't sound like she's even pushing that much air or tries to convince the listener) and a better vocal processing? But yeah. She's a friend of mine but don't know, she got pissed defending her brother who plays in it (dunno which one he is) and I didn't think I sounded like arrogant or anything, just totally objective. And the usual "well they are touring and have people supporting them so i doubt you would have done better ;-)" sounded like "wtf" to me ! Also, didn't wanna bring this, but it's so easier to have local success in rock music, it is really not an argument.

Then we argued about the fact owning a studio or having a diploma in music or Audio Engineering doesn't make someone good at it. Crazy

I just noticed something totally creepy in this mix : the bass is stereo, and the guitars are almost mono. :lol:

And @ Soundlurker : ahaha yeah I didn't get my title could make people think it was a thread about ear malformations :)

@ Dan : seriously I don't know, they are from a little town in UK. you bass geek ! Do you know this one : the Hohner JJbass : I got it from a friend who doesn't play it at all, since like 6 years ago, it needs rebuilding the schematics and rewiring it, but it has the best neck i've touched on a bass ever (although I'm no expert in this field). It's on the cheap side of prices but I think it could diserve better mikes and a little work to make it decent. I have no info on this one.

I seriously get more and more the overall level on this board is far beyong the average level in the "real world".

and yes, the production sucks and Tony is right
^ :lol:

doesn't sound all that bad... i have heard much worse. i assume your first mistake is telling her the recording sucks.

not everyone can take constructive criticism. then again, there was nothing constructive about your criticism... it was just criticism.

but i guess everyone's a critic.

edit: i didn't realize the person you spoke with was a friend and not the musician... :oops:

my mistake! :lol:
That song is awful. Are any of the instruments actually in tune?

Oh, as an aside... I've found often women tend to listen with their emotions, not their ears. So it can be the worst band in the world, but if their boyfriend is in it, it's suddenly the best band they've ever heard in every way possible.
Please tell me I'm not the only one that thought of this band too while listening to the song in the original post :

It's like this ReVerbed band listened to far too much Veruca Salt.
Basically the same kind of song writing and similar-ish vocal style (although not so much in the particular song I posted though)
Hell even the way this band dresses, it's that same kind of Veruca Salt post- grunge/alt rock aesthetic but slightly updated.
I honestly forgot Veruca Salt ever existed until just now, that's how fucking similar this band it sounded to them.

I guess that's one way bands try to make it now. Just basically steal the sound and image of a 90s band everyone has since forgotten about/the younger generation haven't yet heard/haven't heard of (I'm aware Veruca Salt is still going but after the 90s they basically 'disappeared' from the scene), and hope that the younger kids will latch onto it because it's so 'edgy' and 'out there'.
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^ :lol:

doesn't sound all that bad... i have heard much worse. i assume your first mistake is telling her the recording sucks.

not everyone can take constructive criticism. then again, there was nothing constructive about your criticism... it was just criticism.

but i guess everyone's a critic.

edit: i didn't realize the person you spoke with was a friend and not the musician... :oops:

my mistake! :lol:

It was followed with objective criticism to make my point actually, pointing out precise parts of the mix that objectively suck on a technical (not even artistical) point of view.

@ermz : I don't think so. Also, what I find awful, is that there is absolutely no editing. I mean, not talking about our metalhead's crazy editing, but no cut of the guitar noises between played parts for example. The regular expected editing from someone you pay to produce an album. Also, the guitar is centered and the bass stereo, the drums are buried in the mix (on their video I saw the AE used a strange way of miking up the drumset, as I'm not an expert at all I don't know, but he put only 2 or 3 mikes, not even in a regular XY setup, not sure.

I actually thought they produced the sound on the video themselves (the guitars sounded line6 to me actually at first), and I told her "i hope your friends didn't pay for the result, otherwise they should clearly change the studio to find a btter one for the same price". I was actually trying to help by telling my friend they should tell them next time to search a better studio, because they were objectively losing money with this one, and I was telling that for a fact, cause I've been into production as a hobby for years with you guys on this board.

They are not THAT bad actually, excepted the guitarist who is really terrible imo, the bassist could sound good actually if she played a little harder, same for the drummer although he needs improvement, and the singer could do a good job if she worked on her technique a little more, but I'm surprised at how someone could be going to such a studio. I clearly see here a big "wow" factor with that crazy amount of gear, 36 or 48 tracks console, full racks of gear, a few stacks of amps, and still, a terrible result that anyone here who has been into producing for a few years could beat on his computer and a few quality plugins. I'm not really going for a studio vs bedroom producer, I'm more talking about quality/price. What bugs me up is that people are totally not aware of that, and the simple fact they are recording in a studio is instant assurance in their head of a good result. They don't understand it, as much as music, relies on a big amount of artistic sense and therefore depends a crazy lot more on who is doing it and not on what (the gear) is doing it.

The point of the thread is : don't ever try to explain that to someone who knows nothing about music production unless there is a good reason to, cause you're gonna lose : you don't have a studio and haven't followed a 3 years course until a diploma, so you "don't know what you're talking about".
I guess, I've actually shown your mixpod and a few other ones as an example of what does sound good for the price.

Maybe you should now scan your bachelor and show it off on your page !
^ +1 to this! (Ermz)

I have an audio engineering bachelor to (even have my "tesis" almost finished). But then I realized most of what I've learned was from practicing or forums. I do appreciate the knowledge in Acoustics, Electronics and synthesis I've got, but the artistic aspect of a recording is much more important imo. But not every body knows that, and i kinda had to force myself to deceive clients by making my control room "appear" more "pro", even if my gear was actually the same. There fore i'm working on a portfolio before "launching" myself as a producer to the work. for now i will just work by worth of mouth.

And about the song/mix. I think as most of you do, the main issue are the musicians. Maybe they had to go through lots of takes and stuff to get to this point. And for the mix me to have heard faaar worse, and judging from the genre of the song, i think (i might be wrong) they wanted this kinda "weird" sound and produccion.