Perfect Dark


Feb 20, 2005
Man this game ruled, and the soundtrack especially was fucking awesome I thought - Rare really had their shit together in the N64 days, pity they're so crap now (in their current form as Free Radical Design, that most recently made the apparent abomination that is Haze). I really dig this music (obviously it's N64 synth sounds, so bear with the slight cheese factor), IMO it fit the game perfectly, especially the occasional odd but really cool intervals that for whatever reason really fit the alien aspect in the game IMO, in how they sound)

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Yeah man, and Goldeneye actually had some really sweet tracks too (amazing how many times they managed to rearrange the James Bond theme in different musical settings :lol: ) - the main composer is a Brit naturally (Grant Kirkhope, I say :D), but IMO he's one of the best synth VG music composers from outside Japan, who are the kings of it overall :D And how could I forget my two favorite jams:

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I can't remember how many times I totally lost it playing these games. Every game basically, I would lose my shit, cause motherfuckers would camp out or someshit, or my half of the screen would be all fucked up hahaha. This game prolly took ten years off my life.
Oh man, Dill and I are always reminiscing about how great Perfect Dark was.

We'll just sit and talk about it for ages. The weapons, the tactics, oh my.

I can't wait 'til it comes out on XBLA. :oops:
I can't wait 'til it comes out on XBLA. :oops:

IS THAT HAPPENING TELL ME THAT IS HAPPENING (and also, tell me that's gonna be the one with updated graphics that I've seen screenshots of?)

And Tony, yeah man, it definitely had some freakin' maddening parts, and the difficulty I think can best be illustrated by my roommate sophmore year, who was a god of it...because he had figured out like exactly how many steps to take in each direction, and where to hide to get the perfect shot at each enemy, etc. - naturally, whenever I'd try some of the levels on the hardest difficulty, I'd fail so epically :lol::lol:
The strength of the 64 was it's adventure games.

Zelda, Mario, Banjo Kazooie, Mystical Ninja, Conker's Bad Fur Day, DK64.

The shooters were awesome but it was games like the above that were endearing and classic fun.
Fuck yeah, I love colecovision!

Controllers kicked ass. :lol:


Yes, I'm being random and ruining the flow of the thread.

Seriously, I had one of these.
Damn, sometimes I really regret that I was never a N64-guy, seems like I lost quite a few excellent games :) I got an old XBox lying around somewhere, running a N64 emulator flawlessly, though. Hmm...

Anyway, somehow the first two song instantly reminded me of the SNES game Shadowrun's theme:

The strength of the 64 was it's adventure games.

Zelda, Mario, Banjo Kazooie, Mystical Ninja, Conker's Bad Fur Day, DK64.

The shooters were awesome but it was games like the above that were endearing and classic fun.

n64 was, is, and always will be the best console

i still have DK64, rayman 2, banjo kazooie and tooie, mario 64, goldeneye, zelda OoT and majoras mask (the gold cartridge for majoras mask,) jet force gemini
One of the best shooter I played in my life. Fond memories I have :) I will never forget, playing with my 3 best friends the splitscreen multiplayer matches. I PRAY for an XBOX live release and then, my friends, be sure I will put aside MW2 for a while and get me some XBL gold membership. I´ll crush you :D

I loooooved perfect dark! Along with Goldeneye I still think it's one of the best shooters ever. Great soundtrack too. Perfect Dark Zero on Xbox is pretty awful though :lol:

It's a shame that Rare became such an epic fail of a company. I remember being gutted when they went to microsoft. But then the next couple of games they brought out were rubbish so it turned out to not be much of a loss.

n64 was, is, and always will be the best console

Nothing can touch N64 games for pure playability imo.
I just recently played it with an emulator again... My asshole brother just sold our N64 to someone or even gave it away for free when I moved out. Asshole.
Glad to see so much support :D As for best console, goddamn is that a toughie - N64 was undoubtedly incredible, and good god did I have some fond gaming moments on it (my favorites were OoT, Goldeneye/Perfect Dark, Starfox, and ROGUE SQUADRON, undoubtedly sunk more hours into that one than any of the others), but now that I've kinda been getting in touch with the PS1 (never played it in its heydey), I'm amazed by how much more depth some of its games had, it honestly feels like the more mature console, at least as far as the scale of its titles went; case in point, having just finished FFVII twice through (my first two times, I might add), it amazes me that it came out at the same time as Zelda OoT, which of course is an incredible game in its own right, but IMO neither it nor any other N64 game can touch the sheer massiveness and emotional depth of FFVII (ditto with MGS of course as well, still my favorite game of all time)

That said of course, it might just be fairer to say the N64 and PS1 had different foci that were shaped by their respective strengths/weaknesses as consoles; the former using its vastly superior graphics powers (but pitifully tiny storage space in comparison) to make action/adventure games with a lot of real-time control, whereas the PS1, paling in graphics but with the storage space of CD's, seemed to really focus on the epic and cinematic