Now a quinteto!!
Ok - the concert. What I am posting now is purely subjective as I don't think I can review/comment on a show objectively.
In Australia, we are so grateful to be included on the tour my frame of mind is one of pure excitement and gratitude. Maybe if I was in the States or Europe where the metal scene is huge, and there are so many awesome festivals gigs etc... I would be more discerning and experienced to post comparisons of recent gigs/ nuances/changes in hair do's etc..
So if you choose to read my opinion thanks and you may need to heat up your cuppa/ get a beer
Got right up the front, looking straight at Bello and Spitz. The crowd was wild and surging, heard lead guitar fine, but the vocals were a bit low.
Joey expressed how grateful he was to be in Perth/ Australia, my impression was that he was definately NOT convinced he was there to stay. I think he was glad to be able to tour Australia with Anthrax to say farewell, something he wasn't able to do after the split.
Prior to the gig some guys mentioned they were chatting to danny and Joey at a nearby restaurant. I am only speculatin but this together with Iron maidens report of them rocking up in a taxi in Melb sep. doesn't spell a huge family reunion to me.
Any way back to the gig, Joey's vocals were great, and I really do appreciate and respect him as the original singer. ( I have always prefered John Bush, still do, but have a new respect for Joey)
Honestly, where I was I can't really comment too much on sound, it was loud and I had arm pits, heads, hands, feet, hair buzzing around me all night.
(also pumped beef head agro shit bouncers in front of me who pinned down 3 to 1 any crowd surfers, - go work the Nick Cave gig if you don't know!!!)
It was soooo good to see frank Bello back :Spin: , the guy is purely manic, awesome muso and great to watch. I can't remember which song but during one of Spitzs moments of concentrating on a lead break - franks behind him taking the piss at how short he is. LOL. I definately got the vibe that Frank, Joey and Danny were buzzed at touring together.
During Indians, joey had the shirt on and then towards the end put on the chiefs head dress, which did not come from the crowd but behind an amp.
Joey introed. diff members of the band to us, and at a later point Danny introed Joey, to which Joey feigned shock at Danny speaking.
I really enjoyed watching danny play, and didn't get the vibe that he was there for the money - (they played in Perth that speaks volumes for not being there for the money!) he just seemed to get into the music and yet also acknowledged the crowd many times by giving out picks, hand shakes etc, last song danny holds out the guitar and the guy two doors up from me is strumming the fuck out of it. Not a poser gesture at all, actually seems like a sincere quiet guy, quite refreshing for a lead guitarist!!!
Scott Ian was intense as Melb 2004,kept mainly to the right, and Charlie was as always brilliant. They all lined up together at the end, thanking us. Charlie handed out a few sticks, he did look pretty tired/pale. I know he was sick 2004 tour and I think he was pretty ill last night too. They'll just have to come back again next year, third time lucky!
If you got this far thanks, but apart from the obvious thanks to Anthrax, I really want to say cheers to the punters. Met up with some great people, and some who had travelled from Broome and Tom Price just for the gig - ( that is a fucking long plane trip)I tip my hat to these dudes, the Aussie thraxians and all other Anthrax fans world wide.