Pestilence, Incantation, Possesed?


Dec 2, 2011
Victoria BC
Does anyone else like these bands? if so which are your favourite albums.
I am looking for new albums by these guys to buy, which would you say are there top 3 each band.
I currently have seven churches by possessed and consuming impulse/testimony of the ancients by pestilence.

Thanks for your opinion.
Incantation are great and barely set a foot wrong,my favourites are Onward to Golgotha,Mortal Throne of Nazarene,Diabolical Conquest,The Forsaken Mourning of Angelic Anguish(absolute favourite),The Infernal Storm,Decimate Christendom and Primordial Domination.
For Incantation, Mortal Throne of Nazarene and Diabolical Conquest are my favorites.

I dont really think any of these bands have released anything newer that you particularly need though.
Just get anything and everything you find from Incantation, "Seven Churches" by Possessed, and "Consvming Impvlse" by Pestilence. Check out Immolation as well. They are one of the other widely influential US death metal bands along with Incantation.
If you like Possessed you may wanna check out Sepultura's Morbid Visions/Bestial Devastation (they come bundled together now). I'd also recommend Obituary but I don't know if they're all that similar to what you mentioned.

Also, +1 for Immolation.

(And forgive me if I'm stating the obvious but do you use Metal-Archives?
It should help you a lot finding similar material as well as getting opinions on different releases.)
Just get anything and everything you find from Incantation, "Seven Churches" by Possessed, and "Consvming Impvlse" by Pestilence. Check out Immolation as well. They are one of the other widely influential US death metal bands along with Incantation.

I already have 5 immolation albums, there good. Close to a world below is my fav.

thanks for reply.
If you like Possessed you may wanna check out Sepultura's Morbid Visions/Bestial Devastation (they come bundled together now). I'd also recommend Obituary but I don't know if they're all that similar to what you mentioned.

Also, +1 for Immolation.

(And forgive me if I'm stating the obvious but do you use Metal-Archives?
It should help you a lot finding similar material as well as getting opinions on different releases.)

I got the obituary albums i like, and i don't think ive used that.
If you just generally like the style of death metal incantation and immolation play, we could surely give you a bunch of recs there too.
Miasma's album "Changes". Immolation is great. Beyond The Gates by Possessed is a great album but it is sadly overshadowed by Seven Churches. "Under The Hammer Of Destruction" by Bastard Priest is just insane...