Petition for JEM shirts

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Oct 23, 2002
Augusta, GA (Lost in the Twilight Hall)
I've said this many times before, but I want to say it again now: Jesse, make some JEM shirts! And if I may make so bold as to suggest a design, I think this would look wikked: front cover on front, fairly large old logo and album name, and on the back, that one picture of Jonas and Anders in corpsepaint and all the rest, with the words, 'God is dead and shall forever be,' underneath it. Please?

And if anyone else agrees that a JEM shirt is in order, please write your name.

1. Mantraschism
I like it......but I would change the words to "captured within a shroud of autumn" the first words from the song "The Northern Silence"......I just like that me crazy but I think it is more Katatonia than the whole "god is dead" thing.......either way a JEM SHIRT IS DEFINATELY NEEDED.......

And if anyone else agrees that a JEM shirt is in order, please write your name.

1. Mantraschism[/QUOTE]
Even if this works, I probably won't have money for it. Oh well.

1. Mantraschism[/QUOTE]
3. Burton (burton)
1. Mantraschism
3. Burton (burton)
4. the everdarkgreen

I DEFINITELY agree, I think that's a really good idea for the design too, tho I agree that the Northern Silence lyrics might be more suitable ...or you could have...

'...the sunset choir
Sings from the palace of frost
The place where I shall dwell now
The palace for the lost...'

1. Mantraschism
3. Burton (burton)
4. the everdarkgreen
5. Jptk

Excellent idea!
1. Mantraschism
2. Reece(Deliverance6)
3. Burton(burton)
4. the everdarkgreen
5. Jptk
6. Spawnof84
7. Khayman666

Though I gotta say I agree with Deliverance6 about the quote "captured within a shroud of autumn."
1. Mantraschism
2. Reece(Deliverance6)
3. Burton(burton)
4. the everdarkgreen
5. Jptk
6. Spawnof84
7. Khayman666
8. Ryan [Jinn]
9. James [Ryan's Katatonia obsessed friend]
Awesome. I see what you mean about the lyrics, but I chose the 'God is dead....' lyrics because in the vinyl LP, the lyric sheet has a picture on the back of it (the one I described), with the 'God is dead....' lyrics beneath it. 'Captured....' would be a really nice line, too.
Why do you want t-shirts made of JEM, the popular cartoon pop-singer/psychedelic warrior of the '80s? I agree, she's awesome, but it would be a little gay for metal fans to be wearing JEM shirts.

Another thing:

I'd like for a change for the artwork on these shirts to be fairly large. I agree that the smaller artwork looks classy and all, but in the end, these ARE metal shirts, and large artwork/text goes well with them. I mean, it doesn't have to be huge -- not talking about taking up the entire shirt or anything -- but just, perhaps, a third again the size of the artwork on the recent shirts.

Just my suggestions, of course, Jesse, since of course you don't even have to make any shirts if you don't want to.

And about the 'God is dead....' vs. 'Captured....' thing, a thought just came to me. You know, if the back of the shirt is two guys wearing bullet belts, corpsepaint and wielding axes (which aren't what we've come to know as 'Katatonic' anyway), then 'God is dead....' fits much better. 'Captured....' would be a better line for a less, hm, threatening accompanying picture.
1. Mantraschism
2. Reece(Deliverance6)
3. Burton(burton)
4. the everdarkgreen
5. Jptk
6. Spawnof84
7. Khayman666
8. Ryan [Jinn]
9. James [Ryan's Katatonia obsessed friend]
10. Paul [Black Tears]
Cerulean said:
If the print would be big, I ain't buying it... I prefer small stylish prints anyway, that's why I'm not putting my name up in the first place.
I agree with that...

And odds are, I'll get outbid by Jinn in every auction :loco:
This is not a bad suggestion (although I wouldn't be surprised if Jesse already has such a shirt planned). I like the idea of using "Captured within a shroud of autumn" as a quotation for the back print. Also, if these shirts were printed, I think it'd be nice for some of the them to be longsleeve.
We've actually had a print made up for this for many many months. Something very similar to what you guys are talking about. We just haven't pressed it because othe shirts were priorities, and honestly.. we weren't sure there was enough demand. I know you guys are diehard, but we need to sell more than like.. 10 shirts. The shirt print wouldn't be super "big", sorry, I don't consider that "METAL", I consider it something I dislike about a lot of metal shirts. It's very "McDonalds" vibe to me.

But after seeing the interest here, it's something we'll certainly take under consideration. Thanks for your interest everyone.
Black Tears said:
I agree with that...

And odds are, I'll get outbid by Jinn in every auction :loco:

:lol: The logic is simple: Stay off Ebay until I have mah shirts. :D

I also vote that you release the JEM Shirts in August, as I'm gonna be out of town for July, and don't plan on checking the 'net until I get back. :)
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