Petition to kick Dimmu Borgier of the hypocrisy tour.

I don't have any problem with Dimmu but I like Hypocrisy most than them. They were going to come here (Greece) for two shows but Hypocrisy won't play :( so there's no reason to pay 25 euros just to see chicks :P I was going to go just for Hypocrisy but now......................................
WTFS! Dimmu Borgir is fucking awesome! And its THEIR tour. I am mainly going for Bodom, then Dimmu and Hypocrisy, not so much Nevermore. Either way, Dimmu is the biggest band on the tour, imo, so they should be the headliner.
what can you do while waiting for Hypocrisy to play:
1)drink beers
2)take a dump
5)look at the other bands playing
6)go around singing bad pop songs, and get beaten up.`
heh. make the tour worth it.
I HATE DIMMU. I missed my chance to see hypocrisy alone, they played in philly PA. at the troc to only a handful of people (but i couldn't go, i was not 21 at the time :erk: ) I saw pics that my friend took, I wish they come back alone!
Keep Dimmu There. it's nowhere near as bad as In Flames and Slipknot at least. I like them too, and it'll make the show better :)

at least the tour isn't:

hypocrisy might show up too, you never know
ok guys are dillusional when you say Dimmu is shit. Dimmu is one of the better black metal offerings out there that is anywhere close to the metal 'mainstream.' meaning that its very accessible to the kids who have the BRAINS to engulf their lives around heavy metal, as we all have.

also, if you like the styles clash, i disagree...listen to old Hypocrasy and compare to Dimmu. sure Dimmu's style is quicker, and MAYBE requires less melody (i could argue forever that that point is false, but ill give you guys one point because i am a nice guy) its not so different as the frantic workings of Fourth Dimention and pre 4D works by the boys.

if the set is to encompass the entirty of both band's careers and really not be just an album oriented tour, this is an awesome combo...if not, thats stupid. both bands have a rich history and should display the hell out of it while together.

so this petition to me is opinionated shit. i would never sign this. why should i when i would be seeing two of my favorite bands in the same show?
You people are idiots... The dates have already been booked, the only way Dimmu is going to be kicked is if they somehow don't comply with their contract.

Dimmu will sell more tickets than Hypocrisy anyway, probably opening Hypocrisy to a wider audience. Anything that helps promote the badassness of Hypocrisy is alright with me.