Phase 90 questions


Sep 12, 2007
So I got a Phase 90 RI. I really don't have a problem with the actual sound of the pedal (which apparently the popular r28, c11, c12 mod sounds like it actually changes).

How do I make this thing UNITY gain. It's got this fuck all super volume boost that just kills me in the loop of the 6505 (no fx loop level knob). It sounds "OK" front end but I need it in the loop for that super jet phasing, which is what I generally like.

Any of you exectronicsexperts help?
:hypno: huh?

The volume boost is the problem.

I also in the loop use a dd3 and a small clone chorus, which neither have that problem. And, I only want to have to step on one pedal at a time.

I'm sure the volume issue can be fixed with some type of resistor swap or something. But fuck if I know where to start with that.
ohh ok so if it is giving you too much of a volume boost the only thing i can think of is look for a voodoo ground control / voodoo rack unit and run each fx pedal through the rack so that you can custom eq ur phase when its used but turn off your eq when using other fx, its a little expensive but should do the trick
The Phase 90 does boost the volume a lil bit. Eddie van whoever used it for that reason but used it in front of the amp before the distortion. The pedal provides a lil treble boost as well as the volume boost making it a great choice for solo time. I use mine with a voodoo labs audio switcher and it still boosts the volume, but should work as stated by Mick. P.S. I found it that it provides the best jet swoosh before the front end. Take the palm of your hand and rub the strings ala The Cradle Will Rock and see where it does the best for ya. Strange pedal that one, used for all sorts of stuff from Pink Floyd to Steve Vai, great pedal. As far as stepping on one pedal at a time thing goes, the GCX and Audio Switcher work wonders.