Photos Of You And Photos Of Orphaned Land

so Eran... i know that i didn't want to, but i see that i just have to put this one here...


Damn, Orphaned Land, i miss you so much :-((((
I noticed something: Eden holds a beer, or a cigarett, or both, at every picture, hehe:-) Like it, though!
I also have one pic with Eden with nothing in his hands... but that's because he left the cig in the ashtray and the beer on the table... hehe
Can anyone tell me how can I add photo to message? I have some photos from Lodz where they gave great concert. And of course photo with Eden, who is smoking cigarette and drinking coke :grin:
sorry for my poor english
Antimatter said:
Can anyone tell me how can I add photo to message? I have some photos from Lodz where they gave great concert. And of course photo with Eden, who is smoking cigarette and drinking coke :grin:
sorry for my poor english

First of're english is great :)

we will love to see the pictures from Lodz....'ll have to post the pics to another site before you put it in this forum......
Antimatter said:
Can anyone tell me how can I add photo to message? I have some photos from Lodz where they gave great concert. And of course photo with Eden, who is smoking cigarette and drinking coke :grin:
sorry for my poor english

Welcome in Antimatter. yeah Eran is right, u have to download the pics to another site but if you want i can do it for you. you can send the pics to me.
Here is photo with Eden and Kobi

and with Matti

and another with Matti

and a my photo with Johan Edlund from Tiamat

and my photo with Danny Cavanagh from Anathema

I'll send some pics from concert to official website.