Photos Of You And Photos Of Orphaned Land

Hello to everyone :D
I'm new on this forum.
Sorry for my poor english.

I saw your photos with OL, from concerts, tatoos, they are great. I want to share my photos from concert in Poland, Lodz in club Dekompresja on 13.05.2005. Go HERE to look this pictures.
I also want to exchange via email or skype with anybody who have pictures, clips, videos from concerts Orphaned Land. I have some materials: clips from concerts, photos etc.

if enyone have something about OL and want to share/exchange PLEASE send me mail to this ADRESS

To Polish fans:
Hej ludziska, jezeli macie jakies materialy - swoje zdjecia, wszystko inne o OL to dajcie znac na wyzej wymieniony adres mailowy :) Z checia wymienie sie, bo materialow o OL nigdy za wiele. PZDR

I am forever orphaned ...

Lalleah said:
Great photos!!! ;)

ehhh... niestety zdjec nie mam bo i koncert w Warszawie nie doszedl do skutku :(

No czytalem o tym. Niezmiernie mi przykro :( Wscieklbym sie na maksa, gdyby tego w lodzi nie bylo.
Ale moze i tak masz jakies inne materialy :) ?
hi all =]
im from Israel..
Hello People from Earth

I'm Lionel aka Ramses, I come from France Chatillon in fact is near Paris
I was at the show of Orphaned Land but I didn't meet the guys sniff....
I'm the ex host of Emission Impossible of Radio Triangle FM & now I'm the host of the Rock Fort show of Aligre FM.
I like egyptology, mountain, nature etc....
I had a dream, imagine an Oriental Metal Express tour with Nile / Orphaned Land & Melechesh

*Avi here, ive added your pictures Lionel :wave:

Ramses II said:
Hello People from Earth

I'm Lionel aka Ramses, I come from France Chatillon in fact is near Paris
I was at the show of Orphaned Land but I didn't meet the guys sniff....
I'm the ex host of Emission Impossible of Radio Triangle FM & now I'm the host of the Rock Fort show of Aligre FM.
I like egyptology, mountain, nature etc....
I had a dream, imagine an Oriental Metal Express tour with Nile / Orphaned Land & Melechesh

Yo french guy !!!! Pour info il existe un forum français concernant OL ! voila je fais ma petite publicité :hotjump:

Thanx you so much avi
This is somes pictures of my trip in Egypt of January 2005
I did a cruise between Louxor & Aswan it's was marvellous, all this beautiful temples of the new empire 3000 years av jc (second picture) me & Horus at the Edfou temple & the must the temple of Abou Simbel (first picture).

Hello Rashomon & Salut Olivier ok merci pour le lien du forum Francophone :cool: