Photos Of You And Photos Of Orphaned Land

DSCN0120.jpg cute in the jersey. Sorry I didn't get that list to you, been busy lately...will talk to you soon though and try to help.

Now Raffy needs to post some of him and AMON AMARTH *hint hint motek*
New pics! This is me and loudsilence from UM...we met on the Opeth board and finally met in person for a Type O Negative/Lacuna Coil concert here in Dallas. And yes I sent him some Orphaned Land to listen to and I think he's a fan :tickled:

Before the show

At the show, all sweaty and metal

Me, my best friend Edward and Eric after the show

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chromatose and i. we met on the nevermore forum! he came to visit me in dallas in june and i went back to maryland with him! but we're leaving for texas tomorrow to hang around there for halloween.
