Photos Of You And Photos Of Orphaned Land

Folklore said:
New picture taken from MC webpage
:OMG: <- I'm doing that a lot lately. Lookin' good there!! *flies to Israel*
Dead_Lioness said:
hey samantha!!! :wave:

wow, its been a while since i checked out this forum, and this thread.
cool to see some people i know hang around here :D
*waves at ct as well and to colddarknord*

so like... wassup? :D
:wave: back atcha! So um....lord of the rings opens wednesday. :Spin:
ok, i looked for pics with me and OL guys.
this one is one of many many many many many pics i have with Koby, but i specially love this one because we got soooo drunk that night...
haha :lol:


and i looked for one with Matti but without the beard!!!! (sorry hon, u know i prefer the beard-less look)
so here we are:
