Photos Of You And Photos Of Orphaned Land

Folklore said:

Picture taken outside the penguin club in TA, Tuesday 04.02.92 after the historical performance of CANCER in israel.

PS. no, kobi is not the new Coca Cola model.
Well then...This is me...I haven't been here for a while, but I sure intend to come back from time to time...
I am keynan, from northern Israel and aged the pictures come...sorry b'out the links form, I think they are more reliable...

This one is from a trip to Turkey.

This one is from Israel, from the mountains of Eilat.

That is me, smoking a "smoking device" called a Nargila(water pipe) is similar to a bong, only without the drugs(well, this one at least...:Smokin: )

as you can see, it is two days after the last photo, and they are from the same trip.

this one on a yacht in Eilat, about 4 months before...

this one is another one from Turkey, but opposed to the previous one, it is on a "hotel trip" rather than a "hiking trip"...

this one(and the last for now) is a "Purim" costum photo...I won second place BTW..(bloody chess board on a sheet won wasn't even drawn good...)

I hope all the links work...:Spam: (what a cool smilie...SPAM! SPAM SPAM!!! I LOVE SPAM!!! SPAM SPAM SPAM!!!(monty pyton BTW...))
here is something to make Koby smile :Spin:
this picture is part of a series from a night we got VERY VERY happy and drunk. We both agreed those pictures are the "worst" of them all :lol:

this is me (in the middle) with Chen Sadus and Koby - two of my best friends.

