photos question

Diamond Dave

Sheep in Kiss makeup
Apr 18, 2001
Bristol, England
Right, I'm off to see the band next week, got my tickets through today and on the back it's got the usual blurb including the stuff about not being allowed to take photos unless autherised.

I know that's the usual venue stuff, but what how do the band feel about us taking pics? It'd be nice to say "the band say it's ok" if I do get questioned about a camera.
uhm...i think the decision is no concern of the band only, on the contrary...
if someone (for magazines and something like that) have to pay to take pictures, it should be forbidden for others.

i also think that the problem lies only on that paper... so, if you:
1. are tall enough to overhang everyone
2. accept to lose one harm to gain a good position
3. don't have a light pointed directly on your camera's lens
4. aren't placed behind a desperate fan who makes gestures all the times (you're mother could reproach you :loco: )
5. are lucky enough and usually don't take pictures while the subject is: closing his eyes/ making gestures in answer to the above mentioned fan/ rolling his tongue all over/ touching his "not so holy parts"/ [fill the gap]/ ...
you should keep on taking pictures anyway. i do like unfair things, sometimes :heh:

ps. pay attention: answering "the band has authorized me" could mean being answered "yeah, and i'm the king of persia".