Photos, Video & Audio (of new song) Dark Tranquillity, Sydney '06 @


The guy from the internet
Dec 9, 2005
Sydney, Australia
Dark Tranquillity put on a GREAT show last nigh in Sydney. Those who were there will attest to that. I eagerly await their return.

For anyone interested, I have a load of photos from the gig (including support bands Alarum and Infernal Method), and both Video and Audio-only of the new Dark Tranquillity song entitled 'Where Death Is Most Alive'. The quality is not great (the guitars are very hard to hear because of the bass muffling the sound) but it's worth seeing/hearing if you're a fan.

Everything can be found here:

Enjoy, and here's a quick preview of a few of the photos I took:

Dark Tranquillity:

The full collection of photos, the video and audio can all be found here:

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Yea man they put on an absolutly mad show u can see me and my friends on one of the photos can barly make myself out but never mind i got heaps of mad photoes too might throw em up later if ya want the bassist posed ofr one so yea ill probly put it up any way yea grat gig great night pretty berable mosh ill be at cannibal corpse at the gaelic cyas there:headbang:
UndoControl said:
I think being here means that we're all fans. Wouldn't you agree? ;)

You'd be surprised how many people find their way onto forums of band's they're not in love with :p Anyway, I am glad everyone is enjoying the photos and video. I wouldn't have uploaded the vid if the quality was better without first getting permission but I think of it like a teaser as it doesn't give much away.

Pethical, only here, lord and metroslop.
Great pix, not that anyone would really care but u can see me in the 8th picture of DT (yay im famous) like i wrote before ill put up some pictures i took soon. But great night, great night