Pic of my Guitar Amp collection!!!


+1 !!
Where's the rest of them?

I don't think I've even seen this many amp is a shop before. How the fuck do you explain that to the wife? I can just hear it now "I'm off to the shops love" "ok, don't bring home any more amps!"
next on eddy's list:

get some more cabs along with the mother of all line splitters, and play through every amp at the same time :heh:
I have never even walked into a music store with this big a selection of great amps before.

If I owned all these amps I would get a big signal splitter and play through all of them at the same time. At which time the world would most likely end.
Where's the rest of them?

I don't think I've even seen this many amp is a shop before. How the fuck do you explain that to the wife? I can just hear it now "I'm off to the shops love" "ok, don't bring home any more amps!"

I have the best wife in the world :)
She doesn't mind that I spend so much on amps and studio gear, actually she is the one who encouraged me to continue when I had some bad thoughts of giving up the studio because of lack of time during months to work on it.

What! No Engl?!

Never had an opportunity to try one.
I had a E670 SE EL34 on my list, but never decided to buy it.

Hey Eddy, buy my Savage in the classifieds and then you'll own an Engl ;)

I'm not buying any more amps for now, but thanks for the offer Greg :)