pic thread...

Oh, f'real? Ok cool, well, here's one of me then.

Had to resize the fuckin' thing several times first.. sheesh. Plus the quality is prolly assed out by now too.



haven't seen the previous Lutzopic.....
hmm more or less i would say that the way Lutz looks is one of the typical images i have for young swedes... :grin:
The Vintersorg forum has the bestlooking guys!!!!
YUPP!!! Most def'! >:o)

I love your t-shirt J the TyranT >:oP
Oh! And anytime you feel like dumping the guitar,
please send it to me! >:oP Hehe....

@Protocol; I had pictured you just like your avatar....
Like a "stonish" face! What a greatlooking surprise!
Nice pics!!! :o))

Whoa!..... :o)
>@Protocol; I had pictured you just like your avatar....
>Like a "stonish" face! What a greatlooking surprise!

Yep, I confess - usually I'm just a grey face floating around in the darkness, but I thought I'd put on something grand for the occasion. ;D

>Protocol looks somehow very gentle...

I'll try to look a bit meaner the next time around! Well, no I won't, but I had to say that to fill my quota of silly macho-isms.

I didn't see any pics of you Blackspirit, are they in another thread?
Yeah ladies, post YOUR pics here too :p
I mean, I'm not interested but all those others seem to be... :p

btw, I read through this thread to investigate (I'm in investigative mood) if I could find any pictures of beautiful girls but all I found was men and mel (edit: and with other round even astarte's). And she's not beautiful troll (edit: acctually they both are beautiful girls).

Edit: I had seen astarte's pic somewhere but since I didn't find it when I read this thing through I thought it was on some other board :spin:. Of course I hadn't forgot it :)

Grr.. Now in the morning I gotta edit all my posts. Now when I look at this I think it would be better to delete this but I'll save this this time though I only make fool of myself :grin:
Thanks for the kind words. That shirt's their tour shirt from May. I've got pics of Mike and the rest and me kicking it old school with them, Nevermore and God Forbid, but, they're either not scanned or developed, I forget. I think Im keeping that guitar =P... as well as My ESP Horizon, which is ownage.. but, I've got this other pic too, so I thought I may as well share. This pic is now 2 yrs old.


P.S. Pardon the ghetto behind me. I was at my friend's in a shitty location, also pardon the wife beater, I had been playing drums for hours prior to this shot, and it's better not to wear too much when bein' engaged in hours of strenuous, physical activity =P


Originally posted by Melancholia
Protocol looks somehow very gentle...

Yeah! gentle... :o) And don't try do be hard Protocol,
cause....well.... Gentle is "you", and gentle is nice >:oP
Aw, fuck it, I like your looks! >:oP hehehe....

Originally posted by Protocol
I didn't see any pics of you Blackspirit, are they in another thread?

Yupp, they're in the "Picture" thread on the
Opeth-forum, but I guess I could post them in this
thread as well..... :o)