pic thread...

:confused: is this the pic thread or the band suggestion thread, at any rate, I havent heard Symphony X or Haggard.........should I?! SHOULD I!? I should.......but alas my list of bands i should hear is much to long, and with my 56k modem, i dont see it getting shorter......
Been reading this thread for the past half hour... Vintersorg has some pretty hot female fans. At least the ones who post pics of themselves. ;)

Hmmm... you know, it's been a while since I've posted actively on this forum and the few who would care aren't here, but this is me a year ago... I haven't changed much. By the way, I picked my avatar not only because I like the game the character is from, but I think he resembles me quite a bit.


And here's a bigger pic.

I tend to recieve two predominant repsonses to my pictures... that I'm either scary or sexy. I don't think I'm very scary OR sexy, though. :rolleyes:

Okay, maybe a little scary. ;)
What's icq? ( a q from a very well-informed tusse - so I stick to my dear nature and my hunting falcon and all my other animals, ok!)

all I found was men and mel (edit: and with other round even astarte's).

hehehe.... you are a clever researcher indeed! (I hope you didn't think I was a man....:eek: naah... that cannot be true...... can it????)

and, oh, here's a pic of my sis.......

cute, isn't she?


I've posted a pic of my woolf friend somewhere on this boeard. Btw, when I say "my" animals, I don't mean "my" as if they were my pets (of course); I mean my as in my friends:) I'll see if I can get a pic of my dear falcon (his name is Hugin, btw), but I don't have a scanner, so it may take some time.....;)
hehehe.... you are a clever researcher indeed! (I hope you didn't think I was a man.... naah... that cannot be true...... can it????)

What what whaaat?
It looks like I really suck at searching pictures... :)
Your pic is somewhere there too? I really didn't see it then.
I'll look for it when I have more time.

And you all should use UM's irc channel once in a while :)
I've posted a pic of my woolf friend somewhere on this boeard. Btw, when I say "my" animals, I don't mean "my" as if they were my pets (of course); I mean my as in my friends I'll see if I can get a pic of my dear falcon (his name is Hugin, btw), but I don't have a scanner, so it may take some time.....
Oh, I had read it not good, I see. btw
You can see wolves in the wild?? By my in the forests is the biggest predator a fox!:)
Originally posted by Qsilver
It looks like I really suck at searching pictures... :)
yes, you do 'cause there's a pic of Morgana too

And you all should use UM's irc channel once in a while :)
nah, i'm the worst chatter in the world :p

and i'll stop quoting you, don't get used to it :rolleyes:

@Drexle: :lol: your avatar really looks like you... i thought it had always been like that and i was going blind 'cause apparently i can't read either or make sense :cry:
Originally posted by Blackspirit

Yupp! >:oP Hehehehe...... >:o))

Well, Morgana is my metalgoddess for making me listen
to this really great band.... And Soulburner has tipped
me of loads of great bands... so that's why! :o)

You and me are not able to establish a stable
connection on icq so us two never get to talk about
music before one of us falls offline.... :o/ You better tell
me of some bands I should check out and maybe you'll
become a god as well >:oP Hehe....

Metalgoddess? Hehe, I like that :grin:
nah, i'm the worst chatter in the world :p

and i'll stop quoting you, don't get used to it :rolleyes:

What.. :eek: you can't... :cry:
You quoting me is the only meaning for my existance :waah:


but don't worry, after a while my time of sorrow will cease and I can start eating again and maybe my so called life will be less torn-apart someday


Conclusion: think twice before you stop quoting me :cool:

He missed the cutest of my pics???????

And even YOU had a picture in this thread? I mean, I thought you only had one in that 'lovely people' thread. (yes, I just found it and it was nice :))