pic thread...

Originally posted by Qsilver
What.. :eek: you can't... :cry:
You quoting me is the only meaning for my existance :waah:
i hate to make people cry :cry: :waah:

....but, there :) i quoted you ;)

i must post a random pic, me thinks ----> The bloody master, David Tibet :p


Originally posted by YMIR
You can see wolves in the wild??

Why, of course! As you probably already know, wolves don't show themselves to humans to ofte because they're scared by them, but tusser are their friends :grin: Tusser are friends with all (other) animals!
A tusse would never use a falcon for that purpose?!

BTW what kind of a falcon is it? you can take it in Norweigan if you don´t know the word in English...:)

-phyros (nose on fire)