pic thread...

Originally posted by YMIR
[BWhat shall we do let him live or...
maybe we can give him to your falcon, hehehe:lol: [/B]

Well, I don't really have an opinion on this guy.... who shall live and who shall die is Mother Earth's decicion, and hers alone. In addition to that, humans are a little big a prey for Hugin. We only hunt humans down to scare them or enchant them, as I've said, but of course..... maybe this guy'd like to see the insides of our ancient muntains..... *giggeling in an otyg-ish way*

wtf is a tusse? i know it as a german word for girl with an pretty negativ touch.,...

So I've heard, yes, and it's obviously the same in icelandic. But not in Norwegian! Or Swedish! Or Danish! You know who Huldra is? Bah, I've explained this "a couple" (yeahh) of times before.... Look at my avatar; the woman there, she is a tusse. It's huldra; a tusse :) Did I make you a little smarter now?
Gaah, I don't envy you, now that's for sure. I'm glad I've already goten by the worst thing of the day; getting up. Did that about 4 hours ago, at 05:45, as usual. Grrrr, I hate getting up that early, but it's my own fault, for taking so long time to do everything I have to in the morning. :rolleyes:
I went to bed at 9am and woke up at 3:30 pm.. and now it's 3am... so.. my schedule is retarded... just so you know =)

hehe, well.. here is another picture of me.. where you can actully see me :grin:
not any good quality on the pic though...

@astarte, nope.. there is no church in the backgroud.. it is actully just a window, with curtains(?)


maybe it just gives off that feeling, I mean astarte was hallucinating as she saw a church in the picture, your hair is indeed HOLY!