pic thread...

well falcons actually are thought to hunt aren't they???
I mean, they look great and fly incredibly elegantly but well, they're not too talkative ;)
but well I assume Tusser, the love_all_animals fairy wouldn't use it for that....and I'm extremely glad for that!!! :D

fathervic (another all_animal_lover)
Originally posted by YMIR
Wow, that is very VERY cool!!:o :)
btw tell me more about your falcon, that is also very cool!:grin:
You hunt with that animal?, and if so on what animals??

On humans, of course! What did you expect? But we don't eat them, btw. We just have fun with them, scaring them, or enchanting them..... hehe :p So you better take care and watch out if you decide to take a trip up into the mountains of Norway....

BTW what kind of a falcon is it? you can take it in Norweigan if you don´t know the word in English...

In Norwegian it's called Jaktfalk, so I translated it into Hunting Falcon, though I don't know if that is the correct name. In Latin it's called Falco Rusticolus.

I mean, they look great and fly incredibly elegantly

Yeah, don't they! And they're very intelligent, and very nice to hang out with :)
On humans?!? Hehe, I like your falcon!!:lol: I want a falcon too because in our forests are too many humans. You do a good job with your falcon. Maybe you should come to Holland to visite the forests, hehe
Originally posted by YMIR
On humans?!? Hehe, I like your falcon!!:lol: I want a falcon too because in our forests are too many humans. You do a good job with your falcon. Maybe you should come to Holland to visite the forests, hehe

Understand what you mean. Humans pollute the forests (well, some do; some do by throwing shitty things around, others just by being there... hehe:lol: )
And, oh, maybe i will! I'll ask hugin if he wants to come along:)
Originally posted by Phyros
A tusse would never use a falcon for that purpose?!

BTW what kind of a falcon is it? you can take it in Norweigan if you don´t know the word in English...:)

-phyros (nose on fire)

wtf is a tusse? i know it as a german word for girl with an pretty negativ touch.,...
@Fjelltussa: saw this on the SteveDiogoro forum
STEVE! Is it true that you´ll do the bass on the new swedish VINTERSORG album???? That is....weird. You deserve to play on better albums than that crap.
What shall we do let him live or...
maybe we can give him to your falcon, hehehe:lol:
Originally posted by HellSpawn
finally I got it, here is the picture of ME! :grin: :lol:

LOL! >:o)

Yeah, I can REALLY see what you look like!!?
I can now state that you are the bestlooking
male on this board!!! >:oP Hehehe....
So.... When will you post a pic where we
can actually see your face?!
Originally posted by DeadWinterDead
Master Melon, you have changed your avatar!?! It's back to normal! No more bone man with a scythe. Hehe, I'm crazy!

EDIT: You changed it back... (PUNK!):mad:

ehmmmm didn't change it my friend :confused: