Logic X is retarded

lanky noob

Jan 13, 2012
The shire, UK
So, does anybody know of any free, or at least very very cheap programs that'll bridge 32 bit to 64? seriously want to get working with logic x but there are certain 32 bit only plugs I plain can't live without
with logic 9 at least you have to go to your applications folder folder and go to logic's property and un-check run in 64-bit i think, run Logic in 32-bit mode, then switch back to 64-bit mode and logic will load the 32-bit plugins through its 32-bit bridge application. It is something I miss when I switched to Studio One 2.
Soundradix 32lives works flawlessly for me with all my 32 bit plugins.
IMO Apple are dead right. They don't want to hold up the development of the software by living in the past.
64 bit has been around for a long time now.
They allowed 32 bit mode in LP9 as a transition to allow developers to get on the 64 bit train.

Out of several dozen plug-ins, the only one that wasn't 64-bit was Slate Trigger - which has now been updated.

Any develop still releasing 32-bit plug-ins only does not deserve to be in business.
I did take a look at 32lives, but it seems incompatible with soundtoys... bah humbug

Soundtoys are 64 bit now, login to your account and download.

The one plugin I miss now is FG-X which works pretty damn well with 32 lives. There's a couple of plugins where development has stopped that work fine with 32 lives too but generally I can live without them.