pic thread...

Originally posted by Lordenlil
First! I wanna apologize in advance for making and putting this
pic here..... but I just couldn't resist... all fun..!!!! ok? yes!
(I really hope Mike never looks through these forums.......
by the way - we're making fun AND serious Opeth covers in this
thread: http://www.ultimatemetal.com/forum/t34985/s.html)

THIS is the new Opeth. HAIL OPETH!

And I thought Opeth was lifeloving bastards!
Nope, I don't. I had 2 that I switched a couple of times. This is
the 3rd... so it's not really all that bad :)
But that's who I am... he he... I never settle unless I'm really
pleased. I am quite pleased with the combination I have now..
And this is how it gets when u're doing graphics...
Hmm - I change underwear daily.... now that would be a LOT
if i did with my avi :lol: ;)
Ok! Let's get serious again.
These ones turned out better than I expected them to do! :grin:
I took them a couple of days ago.. 50m from my house...
The window pic is from a friend's house





Ok, I'm doing some graphics now and I also took a minute to
fix one of the VSorg images I made... because V really looked
strange on that other one..!??!

This is much better.. perhaps too much sci-fi for VIntersorg.. but..
