pic thread...

:eek: it's beautiful!! ...i love northern countries more and more every day..:cry:

Here there are some autumn/winter pics of the Po valley where i live, i like the atmosphere created by the mist:


They're small, sorry but i found 'em on a site and can't resize 'em :)
Yeah man :eek: Those are fucking amazing! Love em! Did you take them yourself?

Anyone else think the second one looks like the introduction to one of those movie companys....Paramount I think. :lol: with the unicorn...
LOL! I wish my backyard would look like that.. but then... the world's my backyard ;) :) Not only mine, tho ;)

The first pic I is from some swedish fotografer's site, it's been taken in South Sweden (no name of any place).

The latter ones are from the Lofots :) I like those really much :)
I thought so! It looked like that on the picture. But I had to add "Always" for the sake of fairness. Don't want to be accused of being biased and making propaganda for one brand of tampons only. Well, now the girls will probably tell me that "Always" isn't a tampon. I know that. But think of this: you can roll it and then perhaps use it in the same way Lordie does in the picture.