pic thread...

Originally posted by Somber Soul
I thought so! It looked like that on the picture. But I had to add "Always" for the sake of fairness. Don't want to be accused of being biased and making propaganda for one brand of tampons only. Well, now the girls will probably tell me that "Always" isn't a tampon. I know that. But think of this: you can roll it and then perhaps use it in the same way Lordie does in the picture.

"Always" is a tampon. :p (-as well)
The shape is different. And it's called "Binde" in German. That would be a "napkin" or a "sanitary towel" in English. And you use it in a different way. But I won't elaborate on that. ;)
how ever you can do funny things with those too... esp. times at "Weiberfastnacht" ;)
Then watch the reaction of men... hehehe...
Uhuh, can confirm that, Fjell IS a girl after all! ;)

Well, I start to wonder if you're the average psychotic Norwegian, Enlil! ;) Drinking beer with tampons... that won't get you drunken in a night!!!
Originally posted by Ziuwarian
Uhuh, can confirm that, Fjell IS a girl after all! ;)

Well, I start to wonder if you're the average psychotic Norwegian, Enlil! ;) Drinking beer with tampons... that won't get you drunken in a night!!!

No it won't but the pure vodka I consumed afterwards fixed that problem in a good way ;)