pic thread...

Well, let's say 160 MILLIMETERS height will make any road crossing a real challenge to your fitness ;) And make sure not to fall into any sewers, you know ;)

I bet Hilj meant centimeters tho! Well, I know some Italians berserkers, they look tall, but that's posing :grin: About 1,70 - 1,80 m commonly eheh
And now for some more PICS...


This is the place where I live with lots of students.. there are 5
more houses like the ones u see on the pic (= lots of cool ppl)


we had fun bathing this summer. Lots of foreign students on this
one (and me on the right, almost outside the pic)


This dude is a really great performer!


Beginning of party!
The VERY blue one was done by some professional fotographer - dunno his name anymore, but the URL of the pic leads to his page... it's unaltered, and taken somewhere in the antarctica, the last pic's from the same guy, and I believe it's from the Atacama desert (I think astarte could have told so as well ;) )
Ooooh, nice pics, Ziu!!! Especially the second, third an fourth!! :-)))

Oh, and since everyone is talking about height... I don't really know how tall I am, casue if someone ask me, and I answer, they always protest!! *g* If my sister asks me, and I say "about 1,68, I think", she says that cannot be true, cause SHE's 1,68, and I'm taller than her! but if I then say to my mother that I am maybe about 1,70 then, since my sister is lower, she protests, and says she's only 1,68, and I am lower than her! *g* So I don't know. But aroiund there.. But at least my passport sais I'm 1,68. And I do know my weight, and noone can protest on that! :p