pic thread...

Originally posted by Hiljainen
:) Oh i have some nice winter pics somewhere that my father took in the period when i was born.....i have just to find them and i'll try to post!

I found them, if they work ;) it's a tree near my previous house

and this is a park not far from here
Hiljainen - The last one is great! The snow really adds some... Hmm, calmness to the picture.

I should visit this thread more often, as there are many more great pictures to reply to... Those polish mountains are really beautiful too, and the first one from Venice. And of course also the aurora borealis!

That one is just amazing Guttorm!!!! When I see a
picture like that I imagine myself in that forest,
walking into it, being surrounded my the trees, being
cold... and being curious of what is behind the next
tree.... Yummie! :o) Great pics!

The snow finally stayed on the ground last night, it
was REALLY snowing, and of course I took some pics,
I'll put them here when I have uploaded them :o)