pic thread...

so Hiljainen, what is that? :)

@Hiljainen - Could it be a bat?

MeaCulpa, that first picture is really magical!

And Mocika, beautiful pictures from Poland there! I really didn't know it was such great mountains there, thought it was a very plain country. Obviously, I'm wrong:)
damn that was ALOT of great pics!! could you start posting the web addresses where you found them to? want to know about copyright stuff....

here is a pic i took last night... was not much zoom on the camere so the moon became all to little...
@MeaCulpa: really great pics, you made them by yourself??? don´t know what you mean with NOAA..

damn, like Hellspawn said, a lot of great pics here! On some places on mother earth it´s still beautyful!!
Originally posted by Mocika
hehe... you are welcome Vladimir but these pics were taken on my trips to Poland ;)

I want to see Sweden, Finnland and more countries..:(..

Do the people inhere like pictures from Islands near India?

I have some of that it's called the maledives..

beautifull corals, fish and other inhabitants..