pic thread...


Mind the house in that background :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
This is soooooo cute!
Rab! You have to comfort the guy to the left, he looks
sad! >:eek:P hehe...

So, I'm chitchattin' with Somber and what do you know,
he has his own site over at deviantart.com and so does
his girl. Well, I fell in love with this one -->

I'm sorry if I appear like a dea ex machina here without properly introducing myself...I will, promised...

Hi Blackspirit!!!
Somber told me he was chatting with you and that you stumbled over both our homepages and our deviant pages...and now I see you've also posted one of my pictures!!!
I've been lurking for ages on this board...and that's what it takes to make me de-lurk and post here!! :D
Howdy-O Absinthe!! :eek:)

Yeah, nice pics you got, and nice site :eek:) Look forward
to see you post in the future, I hear you're into Otyg
so you've come to the right place >:eek:)

What is that on the wall in the background of your pic?
Washingmachine instructions or something? Hehe... :eek:)
*waves at Hiljainen*
Thank you for the nice welcome here!

@Blackspirit: How did you find out pages? Was Somber bragging again? ;) But I'm glad you like them. I'm grateful for every new fan. *hehe*

And you're absolutely right...I'm more than excited about Otyg. Somber tried to lure me to the "right" side of music, and, of course, made me listen to Otyg...and created a little-monster-fan.

Psht...yes, those are actually washingmachine instructions :lol: and underneath is a short reminder on the process of washing hands...essential.

@Somber: Reminds you of what?
Originally posted by Absinthe
@Blackspirit: How did you find out pages? Was Somber bragging again? ;) But I'm glad you like them. I'm grateful for every new fan. *hehe*

Somber showed me some pics and I just started checking
all the folders on his server, that's the way I found his
site :eek:) Then I found the beautiful pictures of you on his
site, and then a link, and followed it from there >:eek:) Muahaha...