Pick a number between 1 and 6104...

Of course it's stupid: I stole it from a series of fad topics on another message board. :D

3737- Malevolent Creation- 'All That Remains'
4789- Regurgitate- 'Owner Of A Necrotic Intestine'
21- Anal Gore Terror- 'Love Song (Black Guy, (Dead) White Girl)'
2- Anal Gore Terror- 'Total Colonic Decimation'
2- Anal Gore Terror- 'Total Colonic Decimation'
6100- Anal Gore Terror- 'Away in a Manger (cover)'


The only reason it's that far down is that it was just added to the list after it was recorded. Even above that is shit from my Kazaa folder (Phantom of the Opera, Rebekah del Rio, etc), but the last band alphabetically is Zyklon-B.
666- Arkhon Infaustus- 'Dead Cunt Maniac'

58- 5ive- 'Synapse X 3 c. Comae'

999- Bill Hicks- 'I'm Talking to Myself'

1980- Deicide- 'Trifixion'

669- Arkhon Infaustus- 'The Whorehouse Coven'

1000- Bill Hicks- 'That is Cleverness'

2000- Demon Hunter- 'Turn Your Back And Run' (GAGS) :yuk:

3000- Human Mincer- 'Cannibal Resurrection'

5555- Today is the Day- 'Butterflies'

6104- Anal Gore Terror- 'Melekelikimaka (Or However the Fuck You Spell It) [PROMO]'

2842- Grave- 'Below'