Picking question

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New Metal Member
Jun 8, 2008
Hey guys I was wondering, say you have a measure in 4/4, and you have a dotted quarter note, and then 5 eighth notes. Would you guys pick the eighth notes beginning with a downstroke or upstroke?
It really depends on how you want it to sound, and whichever way is more comfortable for you..

I can't really tell you which to do because I don't know what you're trying to play.
It really depends on tempo and what effect you are going for. If this is a moderately paced 'chugga chugga' kinda thing on the 6th string then all downstrokes is the way to go because it will sound more even and agressive.

If it gets too fast to downpick though, I would alternate pick. Interestingly, I would be inclined to start with an up-pick so the following five notes begin with a down pick which feels more comfortable to me.
I use all downstrokes for half, quarter, eight, and sixteenth notes. For 32nd and up I pretty much have to use alt picking, although at that point it's fast enough that you can't tell the difference.
The one thing I admire about James Hetfield is that he can downstroke like a motherfucker.
When I first learned to play, I was self taught, so I didn't know to alt-pick. I eventually learned to do so, and it took forever to teach myself to pick right, but the end result is that I can downpick pretty damn fast.
When I first learned to play, I was self taught, so I didn't know to alt-pick. I eventually learned to do so, and it took forever to teach myself to pick right, but the end result is that I can downpick pretty damn fast.

Damn dude, same here but I top out at 135bpm 16th notes. Can you seriously do 180? I want to see a video of that!

Up And down.. Always..

It's all about expressing what you want really in the picking to come out. depends on your technique though..

You're contradicting yourself :p You can't "always" express what you want if you only do it one way.

For heavy, crushing rhythms, all downpicking is the only way to go. It sounds much more powerful ( down-down-down-down ) vs ( down-up-down-up ).
Hetfield maxes out at ~120. I don't think anyone on earth goes faster than 150.

16th note downpicking anyway.

120 beats per mnin? Yeah right faster then that..

If beats per min you are talking about i had an argument about this with my brother. I can clip something for you at me strumming at like 210 bpm which is the galloping in the audio i posted in the thread about my guitar sound. last post. Thats at 210 i think maybe only at 180. not sure. I can strum almost at about 240 bpm... grindcore and udder thrash beats like death metal tick tack drums i bet are sitting at at least 450 bpm..
my lead guitarist in my band can hit around 150

150bpm, 16th notes, all downpicked? Show me a video with a clock and I'll believe you. What you're claiming is absurd, and comes out to 10 notes per second. No one can do that, downpicking.

120 beats per mnin? Yeah right faster then that..

If beats per min you are talking about i had an argument about this with my brother. I can clip something for you at me strumming at like 210 bpm which is the galloping in the audio i posted in the thread about my guitar sound. last post. Thats at 210 i think maybe only at 180. not sure. I can strum almost at about 240 bpm... grindcore and udder thrash beats like death metal tick tack drums i bet are sitting at at least 450 bpm..

Everyone but you is talking about 16th notes, or 4 notes per beat. You're talking about 8th notes, or 2 notes per beat. No one writes at 450 bpm, even the fastest death metal bands top out around 280-290. The fastest song by Metallica isn't over 240bpm, which means Hetfield is downpicking 8th notes at 240, or 16th notes at 120.
Bullshit. tracks are determined by drums and beat per minute. I have had this argument. Hip Hop sits at 80-110 beats per min. I have been producing music for almost 7 years man. Metal is FAST and sits way faster then 280. Sorry to burst your bubble... And hetfeild is strumming faster then that and scrap notes fuck notes.. This is about 1234 in the bar when it comes to posts like 140 or whatever. If it is about notes speak music notation properly.... count em in one min...... I don't give a fuck what the bloody magazines say or what anyone says their wrong. People are still living in the half time bpms of tracks. Living inside the groove. too bad doesn't work that way...
Bullshit. tracks are determined by drums and beat per minute. I have had this argument. Hip Hop sits at 80-110 beats per min. I have been producing music for almost 7 years man. Metal is FAST and sits way faster then 280. Sorry to burst your bubble... And hetfeild is strumming faster then that and scrap notes fuck notes.. This is about 1234 in the bar when it comes to posts like 140 or whatever. If it is about notes speak music notation properly.... count em in one min...... I don't give a fuck what the bloody magazines say or what anyone says their wrong. People are still living in the half time bpms of tracks. Living inside the groove. too bad doesn't work that way...


Producing for 7 years and you still don't know anything about tempo or basic rhythm notation? Well done dude. Well done.

"And hetfeild is strumming faster then that and scrap notes fuck notes.. This is about 1234 in the bar when it comes to posts like 140 or whatever. If it is about notes speak music notation properly.... count em in one min...... I don't give a fuck what the bloody magazines say or what anyone says their wrong."

WOW. This is a great little nugget here. Just fantastic. I can barely wrap my head around it. 1 2 3 4, in the bar, yeah, they're called BEATS, and when you want to accurately describe how fast these beats are, you can do something like, oh, I dunno, saying how many of these beats there are in a minute. For shits and giggles we could call this "BPM" or beats per minute.

Logically if we're trying to measuring speed, then BPM works nicely. I guess I could say that I clock in at 125bpm playing 16th notes down picked, which is identical ( read: the exact same thing ) to 250bpm playing 8th notes, or 77.5bpm playing 32nd notes, or 500bpm playing quarter notes. It's the same fucking thing.

And you tell me to "speak music notation properly"...
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