Picking question

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Producing for 7 years and you still don't know anything about tempo or basic rhythm notation? Well done dude. Well done.

"And hetfeild is strumming faster then that and scrap notes fuck notes.. This is about 1234 in the bar when it comes to posts like 140 or whatever. If it is about notes speak music notation properly.... count em in one min...... I don't give a fuck what the bloody magazines say or what anyone says their wrong."

WOW. This is a great little nugget here. Just fantastic. I can barely wrap my head around it. 1 2 3 4, in the bar, yeah, they're called BEATS, and when you want to accurately describe how fast these beats are, you can do something like, oh, I dunno, saying how many of these beats there are in a minute. For shits and giggles we could call this "BPM" or beats per minute.

Logically if we're trying to measuring speed, then BPM works nicely. I guess I could say that I clock in at 125bpm playing 16th notes down picked, which is identical ( read: the exact same thing ) to 250bpm playing 8th notes, or 77.5bpm playing 32nd notes, or 500bpm playing quarter notes. It's the same fucking thing.

And you tell me to "speak music notation properly"...

Dood you know nothing.

Jungle. Drum and bass is at 160-180 beats per min

check out


All the dnb stuff i used to do..

I argued with my brother about this. You are thinking about the half time you can have 90 bpm which is what hip hop is and match a dnb tune to it at 180 bpm because it is the double time of that.. Oh yeah i was a dj as well for 15 years and i have been a musician for almost 20 years.. Prob longer then a lot of you have been alive.. I am not trying to be a dick you just have to realize.. And i am an engineer as well i went to college for recording for film and television and music. Also in college i did doooo music and music theory. I am at level 5 in the music conservatory... I understand this 8th notes and 16th noted but it still takes to how long to get the the beginning of the bar to the end of the bar when the tempo is fast.. notes really mean nothing when it comes to speed you can play them fast or slow. Whole notes half notes 8th 16ths whatever..
Dood you know nothing.

Jungle. Drum and bass is at 160-180 beats per min

check out


All the dnb stuff i used to do..

I argued with my brother about this. You are thinking about the half time you can have 90 bpm which is what hip hop is and match a dnb tune to it at 180 bpm because it is the double time of that.. Oh yeah i was a dj as well for 15 years and i have been a musician for almost 20 years.. Prob longer then a lot of you have been alive.. I am not trying to be a dick you just have to realize.. And i am an engineer as well i went to college for recording for film and television and music. Also in college i did doooo music and music theory. I am at level 5 in the music conservatory... I understand this 8th notes and 16th noted but it still takes to how long to get the the beginning of the bar to the end of the bar when the tempo is fast.. notes really mean nothing when it comes to speed you can play them fast or slow. Whole notes half notes 8th 16ths whatever..

You should ask for a refund from your college, they either didn't teach you music for shit or they didn't teach you basic English reading comprehension.
Hetfield maxes out at ~120. I don't think anyone on earth goes faster than 150.

16th note downpicking anyway.

Everyone but you is talking about 16th notes, or 4 notes per beat. You're talking about 8th notes, or 2 notes per beat. No one writes at 450 bpm, even the fastest death metal bands top out around 280-290. The fastest song by Metallica isn't over 240bpm, which means Hetfield is downpicking 8th notes at 240, or 16th notes at 120.
I think Hetfield may go faster than that on Kill 'Em All, but not by much.

Bullshit. tracks are determined by drums and beat per minute. I have had this argument. Hip Hop sits at 80-110 beats per min. I have been producing music for almost 7 years man. Metal is FAST and sits way faster then 280. Sorry to burst your bubble... And hetfeild is strumming faster then that and scrap notes fuck notes.. This is about 1234 in the bar when it comes to posts like 140 or whatever. If it is about notes speak music notation properly.... count em in one min...... I don't give a fuck what the bloody magazines say or what anyone says their wrong. People are still living in the half time bpms of tracks. Living inside the groove. too bad doesn't work that way...
Could you repost this when you aren't drunk?

Next time get a metronome..

If you guys don't get that tempo and know how fast you are going then put down your instruments and retake pre school mathamatics. Thats right from grade 1-8. Good luck.. :)

Next time get a metronome..

If you guys don't get that tempo and know how fast you are going then put down your instruments and retake pre school mathamatics. Thats right from grade 1-8. Good luck.. :)

Am I the only that thinks this dude is out of his damn mind? Everyone else understands the idea of bpm, half time, double time, etc. right? 16ths notes at 100bpm is the same as 8th notes at 200bpm.

I swear, someone so "educated" and professional surely has a problem with extremely basic concepts from his respective field.

I listened to the dudes music and its about what I'd expect from a kid in higschool with a pirated copy of Reason. The production quality on the metal stuff he's doing sounds like a Metalzone right into the PC. His production isn't backing up his claims.
i don't have a video camera and my cell doesn't take videos but when he plays, his guitar is up to his nipple, angled at bout 170 degrees, and it looks like he's holding a drum stick
here's my interpretation of his style

here's my style

btw, i'm not left handed, my cell made it look like that
Back to the original question... If you subscribe to the bluegrass theory of alt picking, every downbeat would be a downstroke. You would play the first 8th note after the dotted quarter as an upstroke.

To the dude claiming metal starts at 280 bpm and goes up from there, you are a crackhead. The absolute fastest bands, (say Origin) play about that fast, and MAYBE hit 300 sometimes. 240 is really really fast and most bands don't play faster than that. And even then most of those bands play the double bass and trem picking as sextuplets rather than 16ths (in order to play a faster tempo you have to abandon 16th notes, and would actually be playing 3/4 as many notes). If you think you can play faster than 300, you're probably living in fantasy land (which many bands do). I mean crap, Derek Roddy doesn't play faster than that, and most other great metal drummers give him props as the absolute top.

And 150 bpm downpicking? I'd have to see it to believe it, but I don't think its COMPLETELY impossible, just unlikely. This is not something you could achieve by practicing, you'd have to be born to downpick. No guitarist in any band i've ever heard can play that fast (ive probably heard about 120-125 and thats just INSANE). Alt picking 300 bpm 16ths is actually way easier, you dont have to travel clear around the string for the next stroke, its just straight up/down. But you do realize, that's faster than almost any drummer can hit the snare with one hand, and they have the advantage of the stick bouncing upward every time, and they don't have to "go around" the string. Thats why its hard to believe he could downpick so fast. Post a vid, I'd like to see the guy that could play Caprice #5 faster than Jason Becker with downstrokes lol... ;)
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