

Schizophrenic Asshole
Mar 7, 2006
I was curious about the type of pick Alexi uses. Is he endorsing any particular brand at the moment...whatever just let me know...pics help a ton!

Check Scythes Of Bodom
Every peice of info on Alexi is on there.
He uses Dunlop picks. But mainly he uses the Thick Jazz III picks. (I would definately recommend them)
I don't know which picks he uses(couldn't care less, btw), but I tend to use either the black or red jazz III depending on the mood
Bodom After Breakfast said:
My picks that I use right now are Dunlop Nylons .88m, they work really well.

Yeah, those are really good. I use .60 Dunlop Nylons myself. I want to try the jazz picks though.
ships to canada. fuck off!
I got one from Alexi and I like playing with it. I prefer the small picks.
Where can I buy Jazz III in Europe? I haven't seen any in guitar-stores:(
Well im playing with it since one year or more.. But i didnt know alexi uses it^^
My teacher (guitar teacher)played with them and i thought : ''Try it too''
And im very pleased because its a fuckin lot better to play fast thingys with em than with other pics
I have no idea what i use for picks.. As long as the pick is fairly stiff, and don't bend so much, i really dont care what the label is, as long as i can play with it.