Pickup recomendations?


Nov 1, 2003
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yeah, I know there have been a lot of these threads (I think at least 2 that were postet by myself ;) ) but well, heres another one...

I still have this custom-guitar planned (had a thread about it some time ago) and have become kinda unsure about the PU-question again.
I had decided on a combination (2 humbucker setup) of a Seymour Duncan Dimebucker (bridge) and a Jazz (neck). but I just dont know enough about those PUs, especially the Dimebucker.

I have a Dimarzio X2N in my Marathon Pro Series and the sound is really cool, but I want to get something that sounds a little less "sterile". something with a more growling, "bonecrushing" sound if you know what I mean. what I still need, is a heavy but tight low-end for fast riffs (the thrashy riffing and all that stuff, you know what I mean) and it should be able to really scream for soloing (I dont play many leads, but I still want them to sound good :D ).

can anyone tell me the differences between X2N and Dimebucker (so I get a better idea of how the Dimebucker would sound)? or do you have other recomendations?
I haven't played a Dimebucker, but I've got a JB in my Soloist, a Duncan Distortion in my Vanguard Pro, and a Duncan Custom in my first guitar. Out of those 3, the JB is my favorite bridge pickup.
What's the guitar gonna be made out of? What rig are you gonna be running through? The best advice I can give is to ask over at the seymourduncan boards. They helped me a LOT. Look for people with similar guitars/rigs to yours and see what pickups they like for that style. My first guesses for you would be dimebucker, invader, distortion, or fullshred if you have a bassy guitar. Jb does thrash quite well but I've found it isn't exactly bonecrushing. Fullshred isn't either but it has the a REALLY tight bass if it's drawn out.
What's the guitar gonna be made out of? What rig are you gonna be running through? The best advice I can give is to ask over at the seymourduncan boards. They helped me a LOT. Look for people with similar guitars/rigs to yours and see what pickups they like for that style. My first guesses for you would be dimebucker, invader, distortion, or fullshred if you have a bassy guitar. Jb does thrash quite well but I've found it isn't exactly bonecrushing. Fullshred isn't either but it has the a REALLY tight bass if it's drawn out. This based on clips I've heard though- the only duncans I have experience with are jb, distortion, jazz, and alnico 2 pro. I have dd/a2p myself.
I suggest going with the Bill Lawrence L500-XL over the Dimebucker, since that's what the Dimebucker is based on. I have one in one my guitars (mahagony), and the low end is really tight, and the highs scream, but have awesome tone. They really respond to the individual player, and let your fingers' tone shine through.

Only Human said:
I suggest going with the Bill Lawrence L500-XL over the Dimebucker, since that's what the Dimebucker is based on. I have one in one my guitars (mahagony), and the low end is really tight, and the highs scream, but have awesome tone. They really respond to the individual player, and let your fingers' tone shine through.


I heard the two pups are almost identical, but the dimebucker is a bit more aggressive. I haven't tried either though. Like I said- head over to seymourduncan.com and ask around there. Great bunch, and they helped me out.
then I'd have to get an active for neck-position, too, right? what would you recomend then? another EMG85?
I wanted to use the neck-PU mainly for clean, so I thought the Duncan Jazz would fit well

have to check out the EMG-sound-samples again I suppose... or does someone have any better samples of an 85 in bridge-position (a bit of heavy rythm and a bit of lead maybe)?
Actually, now that you mention it- emg 85 is a totally rockin pickup if all you're doing is metal. I have one in my sg and like it a lot more than the 81. If you want a bit more versatility the emg 89 is the same thing but splittable. Why not try an 89 or 85 in the bridge and a 60 in the neck?
hmmm... I asked a friend (who uses the typical 81/85 combo) about the 85 and he said its a neck-PU (well, quite a few people use it as bridge-PU and all I've heard sounds pretty promising so no problem here) and that its sound-character is kinda "bassy, full, dark". maybe the 85 would really be a good idea, as the guitar itself (with the ash/maple combination) will probably be pretty bright.....
I'll post on the duncan-forum and see what these guys recommend, I'm in no hurry