Pickup recommendation-only passives


Jun 29, 2005
Esslingen, Germany
Hey guys,

so, seems like I am getting a new job and so on, more money, so instant G.A.S....

I own a Charvel Model A, with Seymour Duncan active livewires, ultra high output monsters
that are ok, but I want to switch to passives (still having a guitar with EMGs).
It's getting a new neck, the original neck was fucked up by some dumbass and I put a Jackson neck on it.
Liking the DiMarzio Evolution, but I think, that I don't want it in this guitar.
The DiMarzio Steve's Special sounds to scooped imho, and I need a neck pickup, too, the Tone Zone
came to mind for the neck, but I like the Seymour Duncan Jazz, too.

I am going to play Death Metal, a bit proggy stuff and some shitty leads with it.
Not to much output because I want them to sound at least decent clean, too.
So I need two pickups with a transparent sound that are as tight as possible :D

The new neck will be a maple neck, with a flamed maple fingerboard (and my own headstock style :D )

I think the Seymour Duncan JB and Jazz could fit, but I was never able to try them in a guitar that
was like my Charvel, only LP style with a shorter neck.
thanks man, really appreciating it, just saw that the JB and Jazz in a set are really cheap atm.
Would love to try out a bareknuckle, but I just can justify paying that much for a pickup as long as I can get the JB
and the Jazz for the same price.

What's the difference, soundwise, with the 250k pot (500k is the normal one, isn't it?)?